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Chapter 18 – Chu Bei Ya's Downfall

Three Months Later

The first warm sunlight of springtime cast a golden glow over the Empire, signaling the start of the Emperor's annual week-long hunting expedition.

Held in the vast wild grasslands, this event was one of the most anticipated of the year.

It was a time when the Emperor, his court officials, and even members of the harem could come together in a rare display of camaraderie and celebration.

Qin Manor was abuzz with preparations for the journey.

Hui Yan and Prince Lixin were to attend, and the household staff worked tirelessly to ensure everything was in order.

Hui Yan, despite the underlying tensions within the palace, felt a sense of excitement and anticipation.

The hunting expedition was an opportunity to strengthen alliances and demonstrate her competence and grace in a more public setting.

As they prepared for departure, Hui Yan and Lixin stood together in their chambers, overseeing the packing of their belongings.

"This is a significant event," Lixin remarked, adjusting the clasp on his ceremonial hunting attire. "It's a chance for us to show our unity and strength."

Hui Yan nodded, her eyes determined. "We must be vigilant, but also take this opportunity to forge stronger connections with others. It's a delicate balance."

The journey to the grasslands was a grand procession, with the Emperor's entourage stretching for miles.

Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and the sound of laughter and conversation filled the air.

Hui Yan and Lixin rode together, their presence a symbol of their harmonious partnership.

Upon arrival at the hunting grounds, the atmosphere was vibrant and lively.

Tents were set up in a sprawling encampment, each one more elaborate than the last.

Noblemen and women mingled, their attire reflecting the splendor of the occasion.

The Emperor himself was at the center of it all, exuding an aura of command and grace.

As Hui Yan and Lixin settled into their designated area, they were soon joined by various court officials and members of the harem.

Among them, Chu Bei Ya made her entrance, her demeanor even more haughty with the knowledge of her aunt's recent return to favor.

"Noble Consort Liu sends her regards," Chu Bei Ya said with a thin smile as she approached Hui Yan and Lixin. "She wishes everyone a prosperous and successful hunt."

Hui Yan met her gaze steadily. "We are grateful for Noble Consort Liu's well-wishes. May this event bring us all closer together in the spirit of camaraderie."

Chu Bei Ya's smile did not reach her eyes, but she said nothing more, choosing instead to move on to another group.

Hui Yan took a deep breath, aware of the many eyes watching their interaction.

The first day of the hunt was filled with excitement and activity.

The Emperor led the way, his skill and prowess on display for all to see.

Prince Lixin rode close by, his keen eye and steady hand marking him as a formidable hunter.

Hui Yan, though not participating in the hunt itself, watched from a vantage point, her heart swelling with pride as she observed her husband.

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