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Chapter 17 – Dilemma at Qin Manor

The early weeks of Prince Lixin's and Princess Consort Hui Yan's marriage were spent in the seclusion of their chambers, a period marked by an intense and private bonding.

However, Hui Yan's introduction to the household was not without its trials. While she had begun to win over Wan Yang, another maidservant, Zhi Xuan, displayed an unyielding arrogance towards her, making the adjustment to her new role more challenging.

Zhi Xuan's disdain was evident in her every interaction, from the way she barely acknowledged Hui Yan's presence to the way she would subtly undermine her authority.

The tension in the manor was palpable, creating an atmosphere of unease.

However, Hui Yan strictly ordered everyone not to speak of it to her husband as he was busy handling matters in court.

Prince Lixin, spoiling his wife, ensured that Hui Ying remained mostly within their chambers, enjoying their time as a newly wedded couple.

The turning point came with the arrival of the Empress Dowager, a formidable presence within the empire.

She had heard whispers of the dilemma within Qin Manor and decided to pay a visit, bringing with her Longyi, her loyal and authoritative maidservant known for her ability to command respect and restore order.

On the day of the Empress Dowager's visit, Qin Manor was abuzz with activity.

Servants scurried to ensure everything was perfect for the imperial guest.

Hui Yan, dressed in a gown of elegant simplicity, awaited her in the grand hall alongside Prince Lixin.

Hui Yan, dressed in a gown of elegant simplicity, awaited her in the grand hall alongside Prince Lixin

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Hui Yan, Princess Consort of Qin

Despite her nerves, she maintained an air of calm and poise.

The Empress Dowager entered with a regal grace, followed closely by Longyi, whose stern demeanor immediately set the tone.

Hui Yan and Lixin bowed deeply, showing their respect.

"Rise, my children," the Empress Dowager said, her voice warm but commanding. "I have come to see how you are settling into your new roles."

Hui Yan straightened a soft smile on her lips. "Thank you, Empress Dowager. We are honored by your visit."

The Empress Dowager's keen eyes scanned the room, taking in the atmosphere. "I have heard of some... difficulties within the household. I trust they are being addressed?"

Hui Ying glanced at Lixin, who gave her an encouraging nod. "Yes, Empress Dowager. We are working through them. Your presence here is most welcome."

Longyi stepped forward, her sharp gaze landing on Zhi Xuan, who had been standing at the edge of the room, trying to remain inconspicuous.

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