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Chapter 7 – Deception and Fallen Favors

The grand banquet hall of the imperial palace was a sight to behold, resplendent with intricate decorations and filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers and rich spices.

Lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the assembled guests.

The banquet was held in honor of Consort Ke, a gesture of reconciliation after the recent upheaval.

Hui Yan walked beside the Empress Dowager, her poise and elegance drawing admiring glances from those around her.

The Empress Dowager, dressed in regal attire of deep crimson and gold, radiated authority and grace.

"Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Dowager." announced the Herald.

They entered the hall together, their presence commanding immediate respect.

As they made their way to their seats, Hui Yan couldn't help but notice the undercurrent of tension in the room.

Consort Ke, reinstated in her position but under close scrutiny, sat at the head of the table, her expression carefully composed.

The banquet was as much a test of her resilience as it was a celebration.

The Empress Dowager took her seat with Hui Yan by her side. Wun Li also accompanied them but Chun Hua and her twin, Lu Yun, were left in the Yongshou Palace to take care of some important matters.

The arrangement of seats on the platform was based on their status.

With Empress Dowager and Consort Ke at the highest tables, Noble Consort Yi situated just below the Empress Dowager, and seated to her right were Concubine Gao and Concubine Zhang.

The rest of the concubines and consorts were seated on tables on booths sides of the hall parallel to each other, behind them is the respected places of wives and concubines of high-ranking ministers that were invited to the banquet.

As the festivities began, musicians played melodious tunes on traditional instruments, and dancers performed intricate routines that captivated the audience.

The air was filled with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses, yet beneath the surface, the events of the past weeks lingered in everyone's minds.

Partway through the banquet, the Empress Dowager leaned towards Hui Yan and spoke in a low voice, "Stay vigilant, Hui Yan. This night is crucial for many reasons."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Hui Yan replied, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble.

The banquet proceeded smoothly, the guests indulging in lavish dishes and fine wine.

As the evening wore on, Consort Ke rose to address the assembly. She spoke with grace and humility, expressing her gratitude for the Empress Dowager's mercy and the continued support of the court.

"I am deeply honored by this gathering," Consort Ke said, her voice steady. "I will strive to prove myself worthy of your trust and kindness."

The Empress Dowager acknowledged her with a nod, her expression inscrutable.

As Consort Ke took her seat, the Empress Dowager signaled for Hui Yan to accompany her for a walk in the garden.

The two women rose and left the hall, their departure causing a ripple of curiosity among the guests.

Outside, the night air was cool and refreshing.

The garden was illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

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