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Chapter 8 – Flowery words and False Kindness

The days had grown shorter as the eighth month arrived, and the palace was enveloped in a gentle, golden light that heralded the approaching autumn.

Hui Yan, had fully settled into her role within the imperial household.

Her diligence and dedication in serving the Empress Dowager had not gone unnoticed, earning her the respect and admiration of many within the court.

Each day, Hui Yan performed her duties with meticulous care, ensuring that the Empress Dowager's needs were met and that the palace ran smoothly.

She had become a trusted confidante and advisor, her keen observations and thoughtful insights proving invaluable.

Despite the demands of her position, Hui Yan found moments of tranquility, often spending time in the Empress Dowager's serene garden, tending to the flowers and reflecting on the path that had brought her here.

One afternoon, as Hui Yan arranged fresh blooms in a vase for the Empress Dowager's chamber, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Hui Yan, you have a remarkable talent for arranging flowers. The Empress Dowager's chambers always look so beautiful."

She turned to see the Sixth Prince, his handsome face lit with a warm smile.

Over the past months, he had begun to visit her more frequently, their conversations filled with shared stories and gentle laughter.

His visits were a source of both joy and comfort, a reminder of the bond they had formed during his illness.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Hui Yan replied with a graceful bow. "I find great peace in working with flowers. They remind me of the beauty and resilience of life."

The Sixth Prince stepped closer, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "You bring that same beauty and resilience to the palace, Hui Yan. The Empress Dowager speaks highly of you, and it is clear that your presence has brought much joy to her."

Hui Yan blushed at his praise, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I am honored to serve Her Majesty and to contribute in any way I can."

The Sixth Prince's expression grew more serious as he regarded her. "Your dedication is admirable, but I hope you also take time for yourself. The palace can be a demanding place, and it is important to find moments of rest."

"I will remember that, Your Highness," Hui Yan promised, touched by his concern.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the Empress Dowager, who entered the garden with her usual regal grace.

She smiled at the sight of Hui Yan and the Sixth Prince, clearly pleased by their interaction.

"Ah, I see my two favorite people are here," the Empress Dowager said warmly. "Hui Yan, your flower arrangements are as lovely as ever. And Sixth Prince, it is always a delight to see you."

The Sixth Prince bowed respectfully. "It is always a pleasure to visit, Imperial Grandmother."

The Empress Dowager gestured for them to join her at a nearby pavilion, where a tea service had been set up.

As they settled around the table, she regarded them with a fond, yet thoughtful expression.

"I must say, Hui Yan, your presence has brought a renewed sense of vitality to our court," the Empress Dowager said, her tone gentle. "Your hard work and kind heart have made a significant impact."

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