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Chapter 15 – Yarns of Fate Intertwined

A murmur of surprise and curiosity rippled through the assembly.

The courtiers exchanged glances, and the Empress Dowager's eyes widened slightly in surprise, though a gentle smile soon graced her lips.

Hui Yan herself felt her heart race, a mixture of shock and overwhelming emotion flooding her senses.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow, considering his son's request.

"Hui Yan," he mused, "the young woman who has served my mother so diligently and who has recently been granted the title of Xianzhu?"

"Yes, Father," the Sixth Prince confirmed, his voice steady and resolute. "Hui Yan has shown extraordinary courage, intelligence, and kindness. She is the one I wish to spend my life with as my Princess Consort."

The Empress Dowager stepped forward, her expression serene and supportive.

"Your Majesty," she said gently, "Hui Yan has indeed proven herself worthy. Her loyalty and service have been invaluable to me, and her character is beyond reproach."

Concubine Gao, who had been standing nearby, also spoke up. "Your Majesty, Hui Yan has saved lives and brought honor to our family. She deserves happiness, and the Sixth Prince's choice is a wise one."

The Emperor looked thoughtful, weighing the words of his mother and Concubine Gao.

After a moment of silence, he hesitated.

The celebration reached its peak as the Emperor, filled with pride and joy, called for the Sixth Prince to step forward.

The assembly quieted once more, their attention focused on the Emperor and his son.

"Lixin," the Emperor began, his voice resonating with paternal pride, "your bravery and leadership have brought great honor to our family and our empire. As a token of my gratitude and to reward you for your remarkable service, I offer you anything you wish. Name your desire, and it shall be granted."

A great smile spread across the Sixth Prince's face, and he took a moment to compose himself before speaking. "Father, Your Majesty, I am deeply honored by your generosity. There is indeed something I wish for, something that would bring me immense joy and fulfillment."

The Emperor nodded, signaling for him to continue.

The Sixth Prince glanced briefly at Hui Yan, who was standing beside the Empress Dowager, before turning back to his father. "I wish to marry the woman who has captured my heart and proven herself to be a beacon of wisdom and compassion. I wish to marry Hui Yan."

A murmur of surprise and curiosity rippled through the assembly.

The courtiers exchanged glances, and the Empress Dowager's eyes widened slightly in surprise, though a gentle smile soon graced her lips.

Hui Yan herself felt her heart race, a mixture of shock and overwhelming emotion flooding her senses.

However, the Emperor's expression darkened.

"Lixin," he said sternly, "I have considered the matter carefully. While I understand your feelings, I have already made a decision regarding your marriage. You shall marry Chu Bei Ya, the daughter of the Chief Secretary."

A stunned silence fell over the gathering.

Hui Yan felt her heart sink, and the Sixth Prince's face turned pale with shock and dismay.

"Father," he began, his voice strained, "Chu Bei Ya is a fine woman, but my heart belongs to Hui Yan. She is the one I wish to marry."

The Emperor raised a hand to silence him. "My decision is final, Lixin. Chu Bei Ya comes from a noble and influential family. This marriage will strengthen our alliances and bring stability to the empire. Your personal feelings must be set aside for the greater good."

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