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Clover had awakened earlier than everyone in the establishment, except for that one gentleman and a culinarian. He was passed a cheap plastic bowl with cereal inside, something Clover hadn't had since he ran away. He consumed it with caution and then got approval to go to work. He wasn't sure if the gentlemen would believe that he worked but they let him go, making him swear to return before dark.

Clover worked hard, completing all his assignments before his typical 6 pm. He was let out at 4 pm instead, his first time finishing his shift early. Clover went to the book store, he didn't go glimpsing for that one book but he still kept an eye out for it. He skimmed, as usual, till a book about a family settled into his hands. He read the back of it - a reminder of his family came to mind.

Clover was surprised he hadn't noticed any missing persons posters. He was predicting his family members to come searching for him, for the sake of their traditions and reputation in their town. However, nothing, Clover had gotten away with it. He wanted to believe he got away with it and not that his family couldn't care less about him.

He didn't purchase anything and he couldn't locate that one book. He trekked back to the facility, the sun high in the sky, a lot of the day still ahead of him. Clover didn't want to sit in his small room, although he was grateful for it. As he walked, he attempted to create some bravery to tell that gentleman that he wasn't going to sit in his room all day. Clover was convinced that was what they desired of him.

It didn't go how he envisioned it. At the expense of Clover, the gentleman grinned and even let out a laugh. The motion of the chest showed Clover just how the gentleman was concealing a chest full of strength under his garments.

"Of course not, you can shower before food," The man replied and Clover nodded.

He had reached one month without a shower - his aroma got so sinful when he first became homeless that his manager offered his own shower at his residence to Clover. He was due another shower, yet with his restricted money, he did manage to purchase a miniature bottle of deodorant to keep the smell limited.

Clover walked into the room complete with inexpensive showers. They were stalls with shower heads coming out of the wall. Clover ambled into one, his attire amassed tightly into a locker which didn't lock. The water was nippy, enough to make goosebumps arrive on his skin. Clover wasted no time in purifying his filthy marked skin with a coarse loofa, he poured the small bottle of shampoo on his hair followed by conditioner. It was probably the most hygienic he had been since his 20th birthday.

After his shower, he was sitting in his room again. He had no windows so he couldn't keep an eye on the time of day but the facility had a chronometer that would chime in time with a program. Clover had assumed it was tea time and his door opened by the gentleman he was used to seeing. Clover hadn't seen any other employee here yet.

"Will you come and eat with me?" The gentleman asked.

Clover grew doubtful - he had begun detecting things around here. No other people were spotted, his friends, the lady and the child. No other employee except an occasional cleaner and chef. The gentleman didn't even inquire about Clover's identity; no names were asked for, no assistance was actually provided and Clover was not told what would be happening to him.

"Do I have to?" Clover responded, tempting to tell the man he wasn't hungry.

"Please, I insist," He said, waiting for Clover to step out of the room.

Clover sighed and strolled beside the man, eventually reaching the spot where he consumed his breakfast earlier in the morning. The tables in the room were like exterior benches, Clover sat opposite the man. He evaded the gaze of the man and glanced at the one bowl of stew that was positioned in front of him by the identical chef.

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