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Clover's workplace was getting an extension. The boss woman who possesses the shop decided she wanted a little outdoor area on the street for the kids to sit and eat their ice creams after school. Although it would be jam-packed, Clover comprehended that it would bring more customers and be the shop that the kids would come to on sunny days. Therefore, the business would be adequate and the shop would generate more wealth over time.

On the downside, the manager of the shop, the thoughtful man who once offered Clover his shower, was being an asshole. The manager was stressed as he was the one in control of talking to a lot of merchandisers and even the construction company. It wasn't just an outdoor area, the boss woman desired an open window instead of the shop wall. The shop was going to still be running if it was possible during the construction.

Due to the stress, the manager had given Clover double the amount of assignments, and his longer hours had commenced. Plus, Clover found himself to be a bit of an errand boy for the manager too. He was requested to go to various shops all around the city centre and ask about their discounts and prices for outdoor chairs and tables. Clover did this with several furniture shops. He talked about finances, bargains, prices, and phone numbers, even compensation and sponsors.

For a total of 8 hours, the longest shift he had done since getting the job, he had run around and stressed out just as much as his manager. Once he was back in the shop, stacking more shelves and pricing the products, he finally gave his feet a rest and focused on the air-conditioning in the shop. He was sweating after the last few hours, so, Clover endeavoured to preoccupy himself and not think too much about the summer heat and the construction about to happen.

Clover had woken up, the quietness in the tent was peaceful and serene. He rubbed his eyes, looked around and found everyone was still asleep. The words from the night before were circling his head already. Kiss him awake. Clover looked at the man beside him, Yuki's lips were closed and his breathing was light. He shouldn't do it, not really.

Yet, he was in the relationship now, right? But Yuki doesn't know that. Clover sighed, his breath gently moving Yuki's hair by his ear. He decided he wouldn't for now, and proceeded to look at the other two men. Elio's hair was splayed wildly and Finley's hand was in an uncomfortable position that no doubt would strain when he woke up. Clover climbed out of his sleeping bag and climbed over Finley to sit between them. He moved Finley's hand slowly to a better position and gently ran his other hand through Elio's wild hair.

He chanced it and gently leaned down. Despite the nerves, Clover's lips tenderly touched Elio's lips first. He pulled away instantly, his lips scorching as if he kissed fire. His heart was thumping sporadically. He did it, he did it. Clover lifted his shaking hands to his lips, he took a second to recover. He felt the exhilaration of doing something forbidden rush through his synapses and when he felt no punishment come his way, Clover smiled. He planted a nervous kiss on Finley's lips too and then climbed back into his sleeping bag.

He looked at Yuki again, he hadn't moved a single muscle. Clover leaned forward, his breath cutting short the closer he inched. He gently laid a hand on Yuki's shoulder, using it as a means of stability. Finally, Clover's lips burned bright for a third time and something made him linger a little longer. He tried to pull back, but then he felt a warm pressure on the back of his head, and his lips were being...sucked.

Clover remembered panicking and Yuki laughing. He pulled back harshly, looking at Yuki with pure shock. The Japanese man had woken up at some point and never moved, instead he pulled Clover in forcefully and kissed him deeply. Clover's lips were wet, and tingling at every corner.

"What you doing kissing me awake?" Yuki chuckled.

Clover couldn't speak he was in so much shock.

It was 6 pm, the end of Clover's first longer shift. It was also the first time he would have to get the bus out of the city as the other three men were unavailable to pick him up. Clover was unfortunate he couldn't see them till he got home at roughly 7 pm but he had reviewed the bus route enough to know that a 45-minute journey would permit him to wind down after his shift.

The night was peaceful, with a gentle glow on the horizon as it gradually transitioned into a warm apricot-orange hue. Clover walked to the bus stop slowly, the bus not due for another 5 minutes. From his vantage point, he could make out the bus stop across the street where only a handful of people were casually seated, waiting for their ride. Clover crossed the road and arrived at the bus stop.

Clover leaned on a nearby lamppost as he waited for his bus to arrive. Under his shoulder, he heard the crumpling of some paper. He stood straight and looked at the paper cellotaped on the lamppost.

Clover ripped the paper off the lamppost in terror. He glanced around at the individuals seated at the bus stop, relieved to find that not a single pair of eyes was directed towards him. He shoved the paper into his bag as discreetly as he could and then pretended to mind his own business. His palms became moist while trembling, his forehead glistened with sweat, and the weight of perspiration made his hair feel heavy. Clover's heart was pounding, but it was something more erratic than what the men in his life made him feel.

In the distance, he saw the bus coming. He observed as another person held their hand out to stop it. He took out some change and hopped on, even the bus driver gave him a dubious look. He sat towards the front, away from the two other people at the back. Clover wanted space, he needed it away from people, any eyes that could pry over his shoulder. He pulled the paper from his bag, and the corners turned and ruined. His eyes skimmed the contents of the page, and then, he shoved it back in his bag.

The rest of the bus ride, he closed his eyes and leaned his warm head on the cool glass. Whenever he felt himself drifting further into dreamland, he opened his eyes and scanned where he was. It was beginning to turn darker, the forests and roads were more challenging to differentiate. Yet, eventually, the bus drove down the long stretch of road past Clover's house. He pressed the bell for the next bus stop.

He was still nervous about the paper in his bag. He knew he should never let the others see it, so as soon as he stepped into the house, he took his shoes off and raced up to his room.

"Hey!" He heard a voice, "We made food for you!"

Clover felt bad for running, so he turned back and stood at the top of the stairs, "I just need the toilet first,"

Finley nodded with a soft smile and let him go. Clover shut his bedroom door, the privacy felt friendly for once. He used his quick amount of time to change out of his clothes, into some refreshed comfortable ones. Then, he unloaded his bag and took the piece of paper out. He put it behind his books, a place only he would scrutinise.

He started to dwell on unnecessary thoughts and ideas, allowing his mind to become preoccupied with things that didn't truly matter. He began thinking that there would be more of these pages in town, that people and police would soon begin to take notice. Maybe Yuki would stumble upon one, or Elio and Finley.

This was bad.

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