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Clover was already back to work - the construction was almost complete, and his manager had returned to staying in his office most of the time. There were a few things they needed to complete but by the end of the week, the window would be concluded and a fence outside the establishment would be cemented into the ground. The last thing that the store needed were those outdoor chairs and tables. Clover was relieved that it was up to the manager to pick them up.

Clover was still on edge, those posters were still lingering in the city and he was afraid people would begin noticing him. If his colleagues started to realise he was a missing person, would their fear of being an accomplice make them tell the police where he is? Clover's mind had been all over the place, but yesterday night, when Yuki returned with no news in Clover's favour, it made the situation harder. From what the detective already assumed, Yuki had found no information that made Clover's life a little more straightforward.

'If the police find you, you will have to go back home,'

Clover couldn't shake the words from his mind. He felt a sense of dread, but an unshakable feeling deep within told him that this moment was unavoidable. His parents opposed him at every turn, and now they had discovered him at the pinnacle of his happiness. If only they allowed him more time, perhaps he could use his accumulated money to put towards a minuscule apartment, he would no longer be classed as homeless. Of course, he lived with people but there was no verification of his possessing anything so he would be compelled to go back home till he had his name put down for his own place. Clover thought it was incredibly silly, but it's the way the world works and he just had to find out the challenging way.

Clover's shift ended at 5 pm, he was expected to wait for an hour while Elio finished so he had plans to look at some books after work. He still had a few hours to go, but he was attempting to de-stress about his circumstances while thinking about the books he could purchase, or just glimpse at. Clover, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of his current situation, sought solace in the enchanting world of fantasy books. Eager to escape from reality, he made plans to expand his collection of fantasy books.

Despite spending his time thinking about books, his mind occasionally wandered back to what he could do to support himself in his situation. A few hours into his shift, he precautioned his manager that the police might come for him and send him back home. The old man at the back of the store just nodded and sent him back out to do his shift. He wasn't giving Clover an ultimatum, and Clover believed his manager didn't care that he wouldn't turn up for his long shifts if it were to happen. Another few hours later, Clover made sure to put all the money on him in his locker and secure it. He wouldn't tell a soul about it, then when he returns, he can collect it once more.

Clover knew that if he went home with cash on his person, his parents would probe him for information, then somehow discover a way to close down the shop or potentially even purchase it so he could never work there again. They would consider every possible way to get rid of his hard work, to demonstrate that his family business would be the only position he would ever work. If they are looking for him after months, they must really want to ruin his life. Clover could only think that they were doing it because they knew he must be comfortable somewhere after 4 months.

At 5 pm, Clover's shift came to an end. He stranded his money and bag in his locker and departed with only his coat and phone. His phone was barely utilised, a simple flip phone that only permitted calls and messages, a present which was given by his parents when he turned 16. He ventured out of the shop, and further into the city, hoping to find himself at the bookstore he found when he was in his tent.

The quaint little bookstore was discreetly nestled in the bustling heart of the city, its unassuming front door almost camouflaged among the urban landscape. Lacking any flashy signs or typical store branding, the entrance resembled an ordinary residential door, giving no hint of the literary treasures hidden within. It was only when Clover encountered an elderly man distributing leaflets that he discovered the unassuming façade concealed a charming bookstore. The elderly man, seeking to infuse life into his humble abode, had transformed it into a haven for book lovers, a place where stories and imagination could flourish.

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