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Clover felt good about Yuki being able to converse with him, but he also didn't want Finley and Elio to resent him. He was conscious the two didn't know Yuki's story so he wondered if they would be offended by Yuki only telling Clover. As they walked into the house, Clover turned the corner into the kitchen quietly.

Yuki strolled in first. Elio was looking through the pantry, and Finley was chatting with him from the island. Clover was surprised to see them all assembling here, in his old house, his mother would chastise him for sitting in the kitchen and making his clothes smell of whatever was cooking. In here, they all appreciated the atmosphere and had no worries about making their clothes smell of pancakes or bacon.

"What are you making now?" Yuki questioned Elio, and stood behind him, putting one of his hands on Elio's waist.

"Nothing, just thinking of what to make tonight," Elio responded, "I might make you all try Arancini,"

"What's that?" Clover butted in, sitting cautiously at the kitchen island beside Finley.

"It's basically fried rice balls," Elio announced and Clover nodded. For the first time, it wasn't just Clover who was exhilarated to attempt something unexplored, but Yuki was seemingly very inquisitive.

"Yes, I haven't had fried rice in a long time," Yuki said.

Clover observed quietly as Elio got everything he required for the Arancini. The Italian man positioned everything neatly to one side and then pivoted to face Clover. Clover's eyes widened as he felt all sets of eyes on him, was this the time when they questioned him for Yuki's story?

"Finley and I were just talking about you," Elio stated and Clover gulped his saliva down so he could speak clearly.

"About me?"

"Yes," Elio stated, "Since you are officially staying here, you should definitely decorate your room how you wish,"

Clover was surprised at the announcement, but the more he gave it thought, the more enthusiastic he became at the idea. He envisioned the room in his mind, with the pastel curtains and the soft white bookcase in the corner, the drawers which didn't really match, Clover quite enjoyed it how it was. However, would they permit him to paint the walls? The walls were a creamy white colour that matched the bookcase, he desired his favourite colour. A soft orange, almost like a peaceful sunset.

"There's not much I would change," Clover said, and the others enjoyed the concentration on his face.

"Really?" Finley questioned, "There only a bed and drawers in your room, there's definitely space for a chair and a small table so you can read better,"

"Oo! That's a good idea!" Elio chipped in, a part of him really wanted Clover to settle in.

Elio knew despite Clover being accepted and getting along with everyone, he would remain prudent to change things to his preference or to ask for things. To change that, Elio wanted to compel Clover to buy or ask for some things for his room. At least, if he had a little more confidence to transform his own space, he would feel more at home. Elio only wanted Clover to feel like he could be secure here, without the added trauma of thinking he was going to be homeless every day.

"Yeah," Clover sheepishly agreed, "A chair sounds nice,"

"Not to mention, we definitely need to take you clothes shopping," Yuki butted in, "It's more important than furniture right now,"

Clover glanced down at his clothes, he was still wearing the clothes that Yuki had changed him into. He was in desperate need of a shower, now that he considered it, Clover felt disgusting. He didn't recognise he could feel unclean after enduring it for so long on the streets, but Elio had been so kind as to offer him a shower that the smell he had scrubbed away was coming back stronger and Clover couldn't ignore it this time.

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