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Sunday rolled around quickly for Clover - he pushed through work daily and got through his tasks easily. It was with the knowledge that Sunday was the day of the week when he didn't have to concern himself about work and he could spend the whole day with his favourite people. It was camping day for the four of them and Clover was particularly excited to do something new.

He had spent last night packing a single bag for the one-night camping trip. He didn't really have much, but he did look through his new clothes. The clothes Yuki had purchased for him had arrived and Clover spent the whole day glimpsing through the clothes and trying them on. In the package, he had 12 new shirts. 5 of them were regular cotton tops, and all were a combination of dark colours thanks to Yuki's personal style. 3 of the shirts were checkered dress shirts made of comfortable fabric. The rest were jumpers, both with hoods and not.

Yuki had also purchased Clover 10 pairs of pants. Clover realised he had never seen Yuki wear jeans before so he should have anticipated pants that were his style. A few pairs of pants were cargo pants, very baggy and had lots of pockets at the sides, and the remainder were dress pants and joggers. Clover liked them, all of them and he made certain to thank Yuki when he saw him leave for work at 10 pm.

Clover was also gifted a new thin jacket, it looked almost like a racer's jacket but the leather was delicate and easy to carry on his shoulders. He was also handed a new pair of shoes, Yuki said they were cheap but Clover was convinced they were some expensive trainers. Most of his clothes were slightly oversized on him, but he could adjust his pants easily to fit his waist, and his collarbones weren't as exposed as they were in Yuki's old clothes.

In his bag, he packed two pairs of pants, two pairs of new underwear and two shirts. He wanted to shove a jumper in as well but settled that his pyjamas should take priority instead. Clover decided he would just have to wear his jumper on the drive there.

Speaking of the drive there, Clover was sitting in the back with Elio. He was hot, his jumper making him feel a little stuffy, and Elio was busy reading about the forest that they would be camping at.

"Apparently, it's haunted," Elio declared and Finley took a peek at them from the rear-viewnm mirror.

"Hey, don't say that shit," Finley said, pointing a finger in warning, "Seriously, I'll cry,"

Clover giggled, trying to keep his volume to a minimum as Yuki was in the passenger seat napping. Yuki was attempting to get rid of his exhaustion on the journey there so he could be sleepless for the rest of their day when they arrived. His nightshift was ending next week but he desired to be able to sleep at night while everyone else was sleeping too. Clover shimmed off his jumper, his baggy black shirt sitting weirdly on his shoulders.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Clover asked, immediately he had Finley shaking his head and Elio chuckling.

"When we first moved into our house together, there was no furniture and the place was super echo-y," Elio explained, "Finley had woken up during the night since we were in sleeping bags for the first night, and he tried to whisper to Yuki and scared himself thinking ghosts were talking back to him,"

Clover couldn't believe his ears and started laughing, putting his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. Yuki twisted over, groaning a little and the car fell back into silence. Clover looked over at Elio was had a faint smile on his face as he read about the woods.

"What about you, do you believe in ghosts?" Clover asked Elio.

"Me?" Elio shrugged, "I don't know, I think I'd be open to the idea of seeing one but I don't particularly think it'll happen, ever,"

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