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Tea was delightful. Elio had cooked up some carbonara pasta for the three of them. Finley sat at the top of the table, leaving Elio and Clover to sit opposite each other. The pasta was something delectable, Clover had never had such flavourful food before. He ate it with few words between, listening contently to Finley and Elio talk about work.

"Are you enjoying it, Clover?" Elio asked with a chuckle, noticing the younger had eaten all his food quickly.

"It's delicious, thank you Elio," Clover announced, a smile on his face.

"What's your favourite food?" Finley joined the conversation.

Clover considered it, for most of his grown-up life, his parents had made his meals and laid out an acceptable menu. A lot of the time he was subjected to meals with no meat, many of them tend to lean more towards salads. Clover's parents would tell him his meals had to always be sustainable in some way and if he ever subjected himself to oven-cooked food, his body would shut down. Not to even begin explaining his parents dislike of meat.

"I've only ever had salads, pasta and any type of potatoes," Clover thought hard, he must of had some other type of food.

"Wait," Finley cut in, "So, you've never had pizza or burgers?"

"No, I've wanted to try though," Clover said, "My mother would've had a fit if I ever bought an oven-baked pizza,"

"I can make them," Elio said, "From scratch so they aren't all fatty and stuff,"

"Yeah, we have a proper pizza oven outside," Finley cut in, "In the second part of our garden,"

Clover examined Elio impressed then acknowledged what Finley had declared, a second part of the garden. He glanced at Finley for additional information, after all, they had both been outside and only seen one part of the garden that was fenced off. Finley let out a smile of pride and began describing the front garden that wasn't fenced off.

"It's not actually a garden, I'm trying to turn it into one but there's a few bits and pieces,"

"A few bits and pieces?"

"Our garage is unused because we all have our own cars," Elio explained, "Inside we got a pizza oven, and the rest is garden shit,"

"Excuse you," Finley expressed, "Garden shit?"

"Yes, garden shit, it's so messy in there," Elio rolled his eyes, and Finley began retorting back which made Clover chuckle at the two.

"I want to help," Clover expressed, an enthusiastic smile on his face, "Can I help with the garden...shit?"

The two older men looked at him, Elio grinned at the innocent question from the younger. Elio appreciated that Clover was beginning to feel more relaxed around them, minus Yuki. He wanted Clover to be comfortable and get along with them both but Finley was the only one making the effort. Finley let out a bark of a laugh and then attempted to wheel his impulsive happiness back in.

"Was that your first time swearing?" Finley asked Clover, watching the younger as his cheeks flushed.

"Of course," Clover laughed awkwardly, he never even cussed when that gentleman had trafficked him or he had imperfect days living on the streets.

"Come on," Finley laughed, "You must've sworn at least once,"

Clover shook his head with an embarrassed smile on his countenance - his face was becoming hot, knowing the engagement was specifically on him. He was shying away, not used to individuals chuckling at him or used to people laughing at how he grew up. Compassion was something he was used to but laughter, kind of made Clover feel inadequate.

"Say fuck..."

"Finley," Elio spoke, "Stop it, he doesn't have to swear if he doesn't want to,"

"I know," Finley said, "Of course, you can help, I'm off tomorrow, why don't we start then?"

Clover nodded, feeling the warmth go down in his cheeks as he considered everything he could accomplish tomorrow when supporting Finley. He was excited to see the garage which they had endeavoured to transform into a garden. He thought about his work tomorrow as well, he began at the normal 9 and finished at 2.

"I'm at work in the morning," Clover announced and Finley rolled his eyes.

"So, I'm going to be bored till what?"

"Just till 2," Clover shrugged, feeling pressured to finish work early even if it wasn't possible.

"I'll drop you off," Elio said, "I start at 8 so you might be a little early if you start later than me,"

"That's fine thank you," Clover nodded.

They had been sitting at the dinner table the whole time, Clover's legs were going a speck numb so he endeavoured to evaporate to his room to not be about while Yuki reached home. His room was more frigid than the kitchen, yet he relished in the warm water of his second shower. Even after gardening, he wasn't that unclean and he didn't require a shower so it was more to kill time.

Once his shower was through, he skimmed over the books on the bookshelves. He gathered up the book Elio had read to him yesterday before he fell asleep to the sound of his voice reading the words. He smiled when he saw the bookmark sitting between two pages. He carried it back to the bed and started to read from where the bookmark was left.

He heard the front door close, and three voices began conversing with each other. Yuki was home and Clover had yet to even have one sentence expressed to him that wasn't intimidating or mean. He hadn't even glanced upon Yuki since tea time yesterday. The two of them were not willing to get along with each other but Clover did feel remorseful because he knew Elio was happy when he finally managed to get along with Finley.

It's only a few days, Clover thought, then I leave.

He didn't need to make the exertion to delight Elio by getting along with Yuki - in a few days, his friendship with Elio would cease to exist and his friendship with Finley would terminate. He would go back to being homeless with no friends and his only companion his wits and reflections.

The book was exemplary, he had read about 5 chapters by the time the sunlight had set thoroughly. He heard a knock at his door and flinched before making eye contact with Elio. Clover had gotten used to seeing Elio in everyday clothes, it didn't take a prolonged time but just now he discovered how much he enjoyed it.

"You're reading without me?" Elio asked, his smile small but content.

"It's good, I like it," Clover said, sitting up and closing the book with the bookmark between the pages.

"How do you know?" Elio laughed, "You fell asleep before I finished chapter one,"

Clover chuckled, "I know but I listened for a little bit,"

"Can I read to you again?" Elio asked, his smile turning into something cautious and shy.

"Please do," Clover smiled and stuck his hand out to pass the book on, "I'll try and stay awake for longer,"

"That's okay," Elio spoke, his voice soft, "You have work tomorrow, just fall asleep if you're tired,"

Clover nodded, and climbed into the bed, leaving some room for Elio to relax beside him comfortably. Elio sat there, opened the book and cleared his throat before reading from the page Clover had left on. Clover listened intently while lying on his side and something drew his eyes to the slightly open door.

Yuki was standing just aside from the door, his face peering through the room to a pleasurable sight. His Elio was comfortable and reading, something he hadn't seen Elio do since his job demanded more additional hours from him. It was pleasant to see him like that but he desired it was under different occurrences. He wasn't willing to even contemplate Elio's, or even Finley's, acceptance of Clover.

It was too much, too soon for Yuki. He struggled with the past, and he felt wounded that his two lovers were so willing and prepared to move on and have feelings for the unknown boy who so happened to be homeless. Yuki just couldn't understand how the situation had become so normal. He definitely didn't want Elio or Finley to get used to having Clover around.

He sighed and left, the sight of Elio smiling and reading etched into his mind.

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