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The whole house sat in a skittish silence. Yuki had many things floating through his head, it was all a bit muddling. He attempted to think of everything he knew, everything he had studied in the past 10 years, he needed a solution to this situation but for some reason, he couldn't think straight. He decided to get Elio and Finley's opinions once they reached home.

Clover tried not to allow it to get to his head but Yuki's quietness and his serious expression as he was thinking were making it very challenging to concentrate on the TV. Clover had no idea what the future held, it was so uncertain, and he was frightened. There were many possibilities where he could end up back home, or on the streets. He would have to give up his relationship, comfort, and perhaps his job.

Moreover, Clover was a bit peeved at his parents. For nearly 4 months, there had been radio silence from his family. They had never reached out, never put posters out, never been looking for him in the city and now they suddenly were? Were they after something from him? Were they still angry at him for leaving?

The front door opened after the doorbell, signalling both the men were home from work. Clover longed to disappear, wishing the cosy embrace of the sofa would swallow him whole and provide a safe refuge.

"We're home!" Finley shouted, "We're thinking of getting a takeaway!"

"In the sitting room!" Yuki shouted back, it was the first time he had spoken in hours.

"You guys look cosy," Elio smiled, "I'll get changed and come join you,"

"Make sure you're comfortable, we need to talk about something," Yuki said, making Finley and Elio glance back in confusion.

Clover observed them, he found it difficult to summon a smile as he sensed the weight of the grave and tense atmosphere in the room. After a few minutes, Elio came down in his plain black shirt and some shorts and Finley came down with some checkered matching pyjamas. Clover held back the temptation to call them cute and ask them to join him on the sofa under the blanket. Elio sat beside him, placing his arm over Clover's shoulders on the back of the sofa. Finley sat beside Yuki.

"Clover found something in the city," Yuki sighed, stood up, picked up the paper and handed it to Finley first.

"Oh shit," Finley said, his eyes wide as he looked at Clover.

Elio took a good look at it next, Clover watched his expression closely. Elio's eyes moved slowly over each word, lingering on them as if trying to absorb their meaning. He read the text once, then again, his brow furrowing slightly as he contemplated its significance. Then, he didn't look at Clover, he looked at Yuki.

"What can we do?" He questioned, his hands dropping the paper to the table.

Yuki shrugged, "I don't know,"

"There must be something," Finley argued, "What if we ignore it?"

"No," Yuki said, "As long as Clover's been working, walking around the city, cameras would've caught him, and police would eventually come to our door,"

"So?" Finley questioned, "He's been staying with us, why can't we say that?"

"Because he's missing and he lives with his parents," Yuki said, "We can't harbour a missing person, if his parents are worried, then there's a good chance we can be put to blame for kidnapping,"

"Kidnapping?" Elio claimed, "But he ran away,"

"Of course he did, but the police don't know that, especially after he was trafficked, plus his parents could say anything against us,"

"So, there's nothing we can do?" Elio questioned, his voice wobbled and broke. All eyes were on Yuki.

"I'm trying to think," Yuki said, "I need to go to work, I can find something there,"

"Yuki," Finley stood up and looked at him, "Please find something,"

Clover couldn't really say much but he had one desperate question so he stood up from the couch and looked at the distressed Japanese man.


"Yes?" He replied, looking for his shoes.

"What happens if I have to go home?" Clover needed reassurance but he also needed instructions, he absolutely refused to stay home if he had to go back one day.

"Then, you go," Yuki sighed, "But I promise you, I will find something that will help you leave safely, even if we have to get an attorney,"

Clover's head bobbed in agreement, a deep sense of helplessness washing over him. He was completely ignorant about legal matters, and clueless about the role of attorneys, but amidst the uncertainty, one thing was crystal clear to him. Yuki, with his unyielding determination, would leave no stone unturned to ensure his safety and swift return to their midst. Armed with this unwavering assurance, Clover found the strength to confront whatever challenges the future might hurl at him, bolstered by a newfound resolve.

"Please find something," He whispered as Yuki rushed to leave the house and go to work earlier than asked.

The sitting room fell back into silence, Clover turned to look at the other two lovers who had been working all day. Clover noticed the dark bags under Elio's eyes, his cheeks a little bit sunken in compared to their first meeting. Work had been eating away at the men, long hours and hours yet they always had a happy attitude once they arrived home. Clover felt a deep amount of guilt, his running away almost completely regretful.

"I'm sorry for this,"

"Don't be baby," Finley smiled sadly at him, "We knew this could've happened at some point,"

Clover's eyes began to well up with tears, and his lip quivered with emotion. He fought back the overwhelming urge to cry, not wanting to appear despondent when his partners had been so supportive. The idea of returning home for even a brief period filled him with despair, as it meant confronting the trauma of religious abuse and facing the people he had left behind. The thought of leaving the sanctuary of his room, where he kept his beloved books, was almost unbearable. He dreaded being separated from his new partners, whose presence had brought him so much joy and comfort in his new relationship.

"But after 4 months, I don't understand why they were looking for me now,"

"It is a little weird," Elio said, "But, since you don't own any property of your own, the police would have to take you home,"

"But what if I say that I ran away from them because of negligence and abuse?" Clover questioned and Elio sighed.

"Let's see what Yuki can find first," Finley replied, "Even if you claim you ran away because your parents are abusive, it would be a whole other...thing,"

Clover sighed, "It would take a while right?"

"Yes, but we would take on your case, and you can get an attorney with our help if it comes to that," Elio said quickly, "If the police come to our door demanding you to go home, we'll take you ourselves and sort everything out at work,"

"Thank you," Clover said as tears finally reached his cheeks.

"Come on sweet cheeks," Finley chuckled quietly, "Come lay down, let's cuddle and watch a movie,"

The three of them sat together, their legs and shoulders all rubbing together hoping to bask in the comfort of each other. Finley lay his head on Clover's shoulder, hoping his presence would calm the younger boy. Elio held his hand, squeezing it gently everything Clover sniffled and wiped his nose.

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