Chapter 62: Fish bait

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Found from: google/ ( GIRLS' LAST TOUR'S DEATHLESS END OF DAYS ) by doublesama.

3rd POV

Lucas swam through the dark, churning waters, the eerie glow of bioluminescent creatures casting a faint light on his path. After killing the first mermaid who had dared to touch his wife, Freya—the golden-haired fish—Lucas tore him apart, his venomous bite sealing the creature's fate. The only remains of him were his strands of yellow hair and a few scales floating around the water.

Unfortunately, the death cry had alerted more mermaids. Arrows and tridents whistled through the water, narrowly missing him as he dodged the relentless barrage.

The mermaids, fierce and furious, surrounded him, their faces twisted in anger. Lucas snarled and lunged, his powerful jaws snapping shut on one of his attackers. With a mighty flick of his green tail, he struck the surrounding group, sending them crashing into the jagged coral. His fangs, sharp and venomous, sank deep into the flesh of nearby mermaids, injecting his deadly poison. Their numbers dwindled rapidly as Lucas's ruthless precision took its toll, his wrath unstoppable

Among the chaos, the leader of the mermaids, a blue-haired warrior adorned with golden armbands, noticed Lucas. Fury twisted his features as recognition dawned. "Lucas," he spat, hatred lacing his voice.

Lucas met his gaze and called out, "Pelayo." (Pe‧la‧yo). The tension between them was palpable, a deep-seated hatred simmering just below the surface.

"It's been a long time," Pelayo sneered, his long blue hair majestically swaying with the ocean's current. His golden-yellow eyes locked onto Lucas with pure hatred and disgust, an unspoken tension crackling between them.

"Looks like you got a new scar. How's the other one I stabbed in your back?" Pelayo taunted, a cruel grin spreading across his face as he relished the memory of his past victory. He twirled his massive, pointed spear, crafted from the toughest coral stone and sharpened to a lethal edge. He remembered the way it had pierced Lucas's thick skin, even cutting through the iron-like scales as it plunged into his back.

Lucas laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "This scar on my neck is special. Besides, the one you stabbed on my back is healed."

Pelayo's eyes narrowed. "Then I'll just give you another one." 

Pelayo's laughter rang out, wild and unhinged, his face twisted with the look of a madman. Like his mortal enemy Lucas, he was consumed by a dangerous insanity. Both driven by the desire to kill the other, their long-standing grudge had festered into an all-consuming hatred.

"Go ahead and try, 'Bubbles'," Lucas taunted.

The two clashed violently, their powerful bodies colliding and sending shockwaves through the water. Their movements were a blur of ferocity, each strike creating ripples that reverberated through the depths. 

When Pelayo's spear had fell out from his grasp, he used his hands. His fist connected with Lucas's jaw, while Lucas countered with a vicious blow to his ribs. They grappled, twisting and turning, their strength carrying them into a massive coral formation, shattering it into fragments that scattered like shards of glass.

"Looks like your tribe is dying out," Lucas sneered, his silver eyes gleaming with cruel amusement as he glanced at the ongoing massacre. All around them, Pelayo's men fell—valiantly shielding their king but powerless against Lucas's wrath. One by one, the mermen perished, their blood darkening the water.

"Your men are finished," Lucas taunted, wiping away a streak of blood from his lip. As the battle raged on, fewer and fewer mermen remained. With efficiency, he began wiping them out entirely, leaving only broken bodies in his wake.

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