15: yes ma'am

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It's thanksgiving we have lanes house, Luke's, sookies, and grandmas she's the last house cause she's having a party and mom invited Luke and Jess.  Right now we were at lanes. "Lane hi!" I said running to hug her. "No running!" Mrs. Kim told me. "Sorry." I said. "Lorelai there's tofurkey, and other foods here." Mrs.Kim told mom."Tofurkey?" Mom asked. "Tofu and turkey." "Right yes." "Hey Dave." I greeted him. "Hey Jackie." I met Dave a while back and he's really nice, great guitarist, smart, and cute. "This is so nice your doing this for lane." "Shh. Mrs. Kim has ears like an elf." "Right sorry continue uhh... rocking out?" He laughed at me. After lanes we began walking to Luke's. "I can't believe I ate tofurkey." Mom said. "I swear Mrs. Kim had her eyes on me like if she knew I was going to do the napkin trick." Mom continued. "Now to Luke's for some real food." Rory said. "Thank god." I said "you just wanna see your boyfriend." Mom said. "Maybe maybe not." As we stepped into Luke's we went to a table. "Hey." Luke greeted us. "Hey." We said in unison. "Woah that was freaky." I stated. "Very. Okay ready think of a food. 3...2...1. Pizza." "Tofurkey." I said. "Chicken." "Okay well that didn't last long." Mom said. "Hey." Jess greeted me. "Hi." I gave him a peck. "Hey Jess." Mom said . "Hi." "You gonna eat?" "With you guys. If that's okay with you?" "Of course." As Jess sat down he said "gif I'm starving." "You could have eaten." "You told me not to you said to what for them." "Aww like you didn't have to wait for us." As he sat down to eat he said "shouldn't we give grace?" "Grace for what?" I asked. "For eating? Amen." I said. As we were eating I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked and it was Jess's I looked at him and he gave me a 'is this okay?' Look. I nodded. "So Jess how's school?" Mom asked. "Um it's there." "You into sports?" Jess grip on my thigh got a little tighter, so I grabbed his hand. "No im uh not really a jersey guy." "Huh. Okay." Mom looked like she was gonna ask another question so I asked Luke for coke. "Yeah lemme go check. Jess go refill some coffees." Once they both left mom said "so no offense but lame-o kiss." "I'm not good with the pda." "You didn't mind with Tristan." Rory said. "Rory!" "Sorry." After Luke's we went home to go change. Sookie canceled her dinner for thanksgiving since she was also going to my grandparents party. I was done getting ready I had put in a (wtv dress you want. Hair and makeup too. I'm lazy sorry) once we got to grandmas I saw Luke and Jess. Rory went with Dean as mom got pulled away by grandma and grandpa. "Hey." I greeted Jess. "Hi. You look nice." "You clean up nice too. But the smell." I teased him. He smirked and pulled me closer. We began to kiss. I heard my grandma's voice. "Come on." I said pulling Jess away. "We don't know anybody here now why are we relocating?" He asked as we went to the pool house. "Cause then my grandmothers gonna start asking us question then we can't kiss." I explained to him. "Gosh you're desperate for me." "Shut up." We began to kiss. His hands on my cheeks( on my face) and my hands in his hair. I moved my hands down to his chest as his hands moved to my ass. I split open my lips so his tounge could enter. As the kiss got more heated he began pushing me towards the couch. We sat on it, not long after he layed me down, he got on top of me, hovering over me, he began to kiss me again, he then moved to my neck, this was new. "Jess." I grabbed onto his arm harsher than I intended to. "You like that huh?" He asked. I did, I really did. But if he left a mark Luke would kill us. "Don't leave a mark." "Yes ma'am." As his hands traveled from my waist down I whispered "Jess." He wouldn't stop. "Jess." Now his hand was on my thigh. "Jess wait." "Jackie sorry, I didn't mean to." "No I want to I'm ready. Just not here where someone could walk in on us." "Well Luke's gonna be with the lawyer chick till 5:00pm tomorrow."  "So we'll have Luke's to ourselves." "Exactly." "Let's go." And with that we went to Jess's car on our way to Luke's. God this was really gonna happen.
Next chapter will be THE chapter yk where they have...fun. Sorry if it's shit. Thanks for reading💕

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