8:oh my god

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"Wait so you have to tutor Jess?" I asked Rory
"Sadly yes. And deans gonna be out of town so that's a plus to this." Rory said "So how long are you gonna be there with him for?" I asked her. Ever since I kissed his check I've been avoiding him, even if it was just on the cheek I like him but he probably barely likes me back. "A hour? Look I'm sorry but I gotta get to class. Bye!"Rory said running to the school building. "Bye!" I shouted walking into the school building after her.
Time skip( after school)
"Hey Luke!" I said gleefully. "Hey Jackie. where's Rory? She supposed to-." I cut him off "tutor Jess I know, she has the newspaper after school till 6:00." I explained "okay" He said in a rush. "What's the rush?" I asked him. "The diners packed." "Where's Jess?" "Upstairs doing god knows what." "I'll go bring him down for you, give me 20 minutes." I said going up the stairs.  I burst open the door and there he was wearing a grey tee and of course baggy jeans with his hair in his signature updo, he was standing watching the tv. "Jess, Luke needs you it's packed." "Get out I'm relaxing." "No come on!" "Come on mother Teresa, relax Luke's a big boy he can handle it, or maybe you like him so much you care about his health." He teased. "Kiss my ass." I said "Please I've bet you've never even been kissed before." He remarked. "Yes I have!" I defended myself, i said stepping close, now there were a few inches between us. "Please you're probably the worst kisser ever." "No im not." "Yes you are." He said scoffing.  Without thinking I pulled his collar down and felt his lips on mine. They were warm and tasted like vanilla, his lips were soft and morphed perfectly with mine like they were made for eachother. I pulled apart and stared at a shocked Jess, before either could say anything this time we kissed again both leaning in. His lips moved against mine as his hands traveled my waist, hips, and back. Where as mines traveled his hair making him groan once I hit a certain spot, I grabbed his neck to pull him in. He walked back until I was pushed against the counter making me gasp, he took advantage and put his tounge in my mouth, as our tounge's fought for dominance, he pulled me in close and bit my bottom lip before going back to French kissing me this time he sucked on my tounge making me slightly moan. We pulled apart for air, but before we did he licked my lips. As I stared at him shocked, he just smirked. "See I don't suck." I said. "No you don't." He said wiping his lip. Then Luke walked in. "Did you convince him?" He asked me. "Um yeah, I gotta get going." I said rushing past Luke into the diner and out.
Later that night I was with Tristan at my house as I was talking to him about what I did. "Wait so guys made out? Like made out made out?" He asked me for the 10th time. "Yes." I said irritated. "And what did he do?" "I told you dumbass he obviously kissed me back!" I shouted out. "Did you like it or regret it?" "I obviously liked it!" "Okay okay jeez!" "Then stop being stupid!" "Are you gonna ask him-." He was interrupted when mom barged in the room. "Rory's been in a car crash!" She said visibly scared. "What?" Me and Tristan asked. "I thought she was with Jess?" I asked. "Jess was driving!" Me and Tristan looked at each other. "Let's go to the hospital Now" mom said. We got up, got our coats, and rushed out. 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗, 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗𝚝 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚑 𝚛𝚘𝚛𝚢𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚛, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝? Once we got there we rushed inside mom asked the woman for Rory. "Room 302." The woman replied pointing to the hallway. "Thank you." Once we got in we saw Rory who explained everything. "He's dead!" Mom said. "It wasn't his fault there was an animal!" Rory defended Jess. "Look let's just go home and talk about this there, yeah?" I said.
Time skip.
The next day I hadn't seen Jess at all when I went to Luke's cause mom didn't want to, at the bookshop, at doose's teasing Dean, no where. I was walking when I heard Ms. Patty talking to Babette. "Did you hear?" Patty asked Babette. No I was interested. "No what?" The blonde asked the woman. "He's gone. Jess is gone." Ms. Patty said. My heart stopped. Jess gone like that? Tears fell out of my eyes. I ran home thankfully no one was there. I went to my room and cried, cried until I couldn't no more. Now I was mad, mad at Jess for leaving me, mad at him for not saying bye, mad at him for leaving after I kissed him. I was also mad at Rory who made Jess leave, if she would have minded her own business and stop caring about Jess and start caring about HER boyfriend non of this would have happened. Then I heard a door open with two women laughing. Then my door was opened, Rory. "Hey are you okay?" She asked me. "You, it's all your fault! You have dean why did you care about Jess why didn't you go care about Dean, I liked Jess, you knew I liked Jess but no huh, Rory Gilmore the world revolves around her, it doesn't matter who gets hurt as long as it's not you! Well guess what you made Jess leave! If you wouldn't have got in the car with him he never would have crashed!" I yelled at her. "Jackie!" Mom yelled at me. "No mom it's fine. Look I get it your hurt Jess was your best friend. But I didn't like him and I don't think the world revolves around me,And I didn't plan on making him leave okay!" Jackie stormed out of the house not wanting to argue with her stupid sister who didn't realize how selfish she is. I get it she got hurt too but it wasn't Jess's fault and she liked Jess when she has a whole ass boyfriend. I didn't realize it but I was at Luke's. I open it and see Luke. I hug him and began to cry, again. He just hugged me back and I collapsed in his arms. "Why did he go with her, why did he leave me? I kissed him and he just leaves me, didn't even tell me bye?" I cry to him. "Actually he left you a note."Luke said. "Really? About what?" I asked him. "I don't know it seemed personal." He said giving me a white envelope. I began to open it as Luke asked me. "Wait you guys kissed?" "Not the time." I said. "But you-."I cut him off as I began to read the note. "I'm gonna go upstairs. Lock up when you leave." He said.

Dear Jackie,
I'm sorry that I left you without saying anything. I had to leave before the town killed me. I didn't want for any of this to happen, for the car to crash, for Rory to get hurt, or to leave you. You probably don't care though considering you've been avoiding me ever since we kissed, and you have Tristan . I told Luke to give Rory my number so she can call to tell me if she's okay, but if she doesn't can you call so we can keep contact? I really am sorry Jackie i really considered you as my friend.

Sincerely, asshole.

Was he fucking serious. He left ME a note asking for Rory? God they both really were selfish. And so what if I have Tristan? I like Jess not Tristan. I go and kiss Jess and all he cares about is Rory, stupid, smart, little miss perfect, Rory. God when is it gonna stop being about her? I stormed out of Luke's to the bridge I always secretly carry cigarettes for when I'm mad, helps me calm down. After a while I thought about everything. Jess leaving, the kiss, how I yelled at Rory, the note, how Jess doesn't like me back, and how I might have feeling for Tristan. But maybe I'm just liking him out of anger, and I couldn't do that to Tristan. Once I stopped crying I went home my eyes red from the cigarette and crying. When I walked into the living room I saw mom. She held her arms out and had an ice cream bucket and my favorite movie waiting for me. I collapsed in her arms crying yet again. "I'm so sorry mom. I didn't mean to yell at you guys." I apologized while crying. "Its okay I get it." Mom said combing her fingers through my hair." why did he leave me? Why didn't he like me? I kiss him and he just leaves like that." "You guys kissed?" Mom asked. "Yeah but I was being stupid and avoided him which is probably why he like Rory." I said. "Rory? Please." Mom said laughing. "What?" I asked confused. "Have you seen the way that boy looks at you. He looks at you like you're the only person in the world. Hell he looks at you like how I look at Luke's coffee." Luke's coffee or just Luke himself." I said teasing her. " seriously though that kid is head over heels for you. You were the first one to get him to talk full sentences, even if it was to argue. Also, you didn't hear this from me but Luke said that Jess is TOTALLY jealous of you and Tristan, after he saw you guys at the ball dance recital thing, he went to Luke's and asked if you were seeing anyone." Mom told me . I was speechless, jess, jealous of me and Tristan? "But he bought Rory's basket." "Well cause she was after Lindsay and you told him you were after her." "But he saw Dean bid on the basket. That obviously means it's Rory's." I said. "And Tristan told me you guys almost kissed in the lake that day." "How him and Rory left." "Nope he stayed and spied on you guys like a creep." Mom said. "He does like me." I said. "Yes Jess is whipped." Mom said. "MOM!" I said grossed out.
Well they kissed. But he left. Womp womp. Anyways I really don't like Rory this chapter. Next chapter you guys won't either. Thanks for reading💕

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