19: softie

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"Jackie are you sure you wanna go?" Mom asked me. "Yeah why wouldn't I?" "Cause every year at the winter carnival you get sick." "Well the games and food are worth it." I hadn't told her yet and now was the best time. "Hey mom?" "Yeah?" "Umm you remember thanksgiving when I left the party?" "Yeah? Why? Did you go to a chilton party? Ooh good girl gone bad." I slightly chuckled. "No-uh j-Jess and me we uh we did it." She looked up and her mouth opened then shut. "So you guys?" "Yeah." "How? You asked or him? Where? Was he pressuring you?" "First we went to the pool house to avoid grandma. I've been wanting to do it with him for a while now. So while everyone was at the party I told him let's go to Luke's. Cause he would be at the lawyers house till 5:00. And we did it. He didn't pressure me. He asked me if I was sure multiple times and always asked for consent before touching me." "Well as long as you're happy." She did after a while. "I am happy." I said smiling. "Oh yeah the morning after I told him I loved him." "W-what?" "It felt to fast but it's true. I love him." "What did he say?" "After a couple of minutes of him just staring at me he finally said it back." "Thats great honey." "Yeah. Anyways I gotta go get ready for the carnival." "It's barely 6:00 it doesn't start till 8:00" "I know but I'm gonna try to convince Jess to come." Once I finished changing I applied one last coat of mascara. I looked cute. I had a navy blue vintage polo knit sweater, washed vintage boyfriend jeans, and my uggs, with a white scarf on. "Bye mom I'm heading out!" I yelled as I walked past the kitchen. "Bye sweetie! Oh I'm gonna be working late tonight and I might spend the night at Max's if I do I'll call you!" "Okay!" As I walked out the door and stepped foot in the town square I saw Jess. "Jess!" I yelled out. He looked around and saw me, and he smiled with that smile that's genuine. As he walked towards me and I walked towards him I thought about how to convince him to come. "Hey." He greeted me. "Hi." I smiled. Then we kissed. We pulled apart and he put his arm around my waist. "It's beautiful out." I said. "Yup sure is." "Pretty rare when it's pretty like this." "I don't think so." "And to make the night even better there's the carnival!" I said looking up at him to catch him already staring at me. "I'm not going." "Why?" "Cause this is stupid." "Whatever." "Look how about you go meet lane, and at 9:00 I'll meet you right there at Ms. Pattys." He said pointing to her dance studio. "No." "Yes." "No." "That's my final offer ma'am." I huffed before answering "fine." He looked at me and grabbed my face between his hands as his eyes wandered my face with love in his eyes. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you." "I love you." He said. For the first time he said it first. I smiled wide and answered "I love you too." As we were gonna kiss I heard "Jackie love!" I looked around at the familiar voice. Finn. "Finn hi!" Oh Logan was with him. "How are you?" He asked me. "Good. Good how about you?" "Great." As Colin came up to me and said hi his eyes landed on Jess. "Colin. And you are?" He asked Jess. "Nobody." Jess answered glaring at Logan who was doing the same. "Um Colin, Finn, this is Jess, my boyfriend. Jess, Colin, and Finn, my friends." They both nodded at Jess. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Well Rory told us about it so here we are." Colin said. "Jess are you going?" Finn asked Jess. "No he's busy." I answered for him. "Well then you can come with us." Logan said smiling at me and Jess. "I'm actu-" I was cut off by Jess suddenly speaking. "I'm going." "Are you sure?" "Yeah come on it'll be fun." "That's the spirit." Finn said. "Sure is." Logan said. "We're gonna go look for Rory." The 3 of them said. "Okay." I answered. Jess put his arm on my shoulder and asked me "so when did you and Logan be on so buddy -buddy?" "We're not so buddy-buddy." "Well I mean he just invited you to go to the fair with them." "Yeah but I wasn't gonna go." I turned to face him as we stopped infront of the gazebo. "Okay." He said. "I swear." "I believe you." "You're mad." "No just if you guys did I would want to know." "So you're not mad at me?" He rolled his eyes and grabbed my face with one hand and my waist with other and kissed me sweetly. "That's a good answer." I said smiling. "Let's go to the ring toss game!" I said. "Sure princess." "How much is it?" I asked. "$1" as I reached for my wallet Jess said "I got it." And he took out $2 "your gonna play?" I asked him. "Sure am." "Okay let's make a bet." "What is it?" "If I get a prize I get free coffee for two weeks." I said. "Okay and I win." He leaned in to my ear and whispered. "We leave right now and you let me fuck the shit out of you." This was new. He was never this bold, or talked like that. It's kinda embarrassing to say that, that made me blush. He kissed my cheek before he pulled back and put his hand out. "Deal?" He asked. I took his hand and said "deal." As he gave the guy his money we grabbed our baseballs. Long story short I get free coffee! Right now I was laughing with my head on Jess's shoulder. "You- you" I couldn't finish a sentence due to my laughing. "Suck!" I finished. "I can't breathe." I gasped out. "I'm not a sports guy." He said sassy. "I don't play sports either. You missed so bad." I laughed at him. After awhile of us walking around I said "I'm bored." "I told you." "Hey my mom's out for the night. And since you lost so bad I'll give you your prize." I said. He looked at me his face changing fast from annoyed to happy. "Yeah?" He asked. "Yeah." "Let's go."
⚠️+18⚠️ mature scenes
Before we even reached the house Jess was already kissing me but I had to pull away to unlock the door. Once we were inside I brought him upstairs to my room. He closed the door kissed me while walking forward so I walked backwards to the bed. He then hovered over me. "Jess?" "Yeah?" "Lock the door." As he got up in a rush he tripped. I started to laugh again. "Shut up." He said. We began to kiss again. We were now sitting down except he grabbed my thighs and pulled me onto his lap. I began to slowly rock back and forth. "Jackie" he moaned out. I used his move and slipped my tounge in his mouth sucking on his tongue, I then bit his lip. I then pulled away and began to kiss his cheek, then his jaw, stopping to nip at it every now and then. I then moved to his neck, very low. Sucking hard on his neck leaving love bites. He flipped us over and took his shirt off. Then he took mines off. He began to kiss me again reaching for my belt. I helped him, now my pants and underwear were off. As he kept kissing me I reached for his belt, he pulled apart to unbuckle his jeans, in the mean time I took my bra off. Now he was only in his boxers. As he pushed me backdown while kissing me, his hard wood grinding against my throbbing core. "Jess stop teasing." I moaned out. He then kissed my neck then, my collarbone, my breast, where there was now multiple love marks, he then kissed lower, and lower, he still teased me kissing my inner thigh. I arched my back trying to get closer to him. "Don't be and ass Jess." I begged. "Patience Jackie." He then slowly moved his head to my core. "Jess." I gasped. I opened my legs wider to help him. He then began to kiss, suck, and lick like his life depended on it. I grabbed onto his hair pulling him closer. "Oh Jess." I quietly moaned. As I looked down I saw him bring his hand up and close to my core. Before I could ask what he was doing I felt two finger in me. My body shuddered. He was good. He then came up and began to kiss my neck, a little close to my collarbone, as his fingers were still inside me. He came up to kiss me letting me taste myself, he then entered a third finger, and with last thrust I cummed. As I was coming down from my orgasm I saw Jess go to his pants and pull out a condom. Once he rolled it onto his cock, I widened my legs. He smirked. "What?" I asked. "Turn around. And get on all fours." Without hesitation I did. I needed him in me. This was embarrassing how fast he could have me doing whatever he wanted. But come on it's Jess Mariano. I felt him get on the bed then give me wet kisses on my back as I felt his cock on my ass cheek. At his kisses I arched my back. He then stopped and I looked over my shoulder and saw him positioning him self, then he thrusted in me. I put my head down on the bed. He was going slow. "Jess faster." He put his hand on my hips and went at the same pace. Motherfucker. He thrusted into me, in out, in,out. "Fuck Jackie." He moaned out. He then began to thrust faster, at full speed. Now I was a moaning mess. I felt a hand get off my hip as I felt him slap my ass hard. It hurt for a second but his cock took the pain away fast. I leaned my head into my bed. He fucked me like if he was gonna win a million dollars if he did. "Jackie you're so tight." He moaned out. He then moved a little and hit my g- spot. "Oh Jess!" I moaned out. "Fuck" I gasped. "Right there." I moaned. With one last thrust another orgasm came. He then pulled out, and I turned around and held my arms out. He came and held me in his arms. I felt him playing with my hair. "That was new." I said. "Yeah." "Ooh I have an idea!" "What?" "You're gonna like it." "As long as it's with you of course." "Okay each time we have sex we do something new." "I love that." "Great so it's settled." As we fell into a comfortable silence a thought passed me. "Eww!" I said suddenly. "What?" "I know this is random and totally nasty since we just had sex but, if my mom and Luke date then we'll be cousins." "Jackie are you serious?" "Yeah." "Why would you say that?" "I just thought about it." "You're weird." "Shut up." "Goodnight." He said. "I can't sleep don't leave me awake alone." "Close your eyes and count sheep." "That doesn't work." "Well shut up cause I'm tired." He said. "You asshole." "Just close your eyes." "Fine goodnight. I love you." I said. "Love you too." And with that we fell asleep.
Hiiii this chapter is mostly spicy I think so sorry. But I think Jess has a big soft spot for Jackie. Anyways thanks for reading💕

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