11: not the plan

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Okay I was finally going to do it. I was gonna stop seeing Tristan. It's the day after me and Jess kissed and mom told Rory, who genuinely seems happy for me. I went to Luke's for coffee before I gave Tristan obviously. As I walked in I saw Rory staring at Jess, but not how she usually would more like mad. Like if looks could kill he'd be dead kinda look. And Jess's eyes widened when he saw me. He glanced at Rory, and anybody who was stupid enough would have missed it but it was a look of plea? What was going on? "Hey guys?" I said. "Hey." Rory said still staring at Jess. Ok. "Hey Jackie. Coffee?" Jess said fast. "Um ye- okay." I was going to answer but he disappeared into the kitchen before I could. "What the hell was that about?"I asked for after Jess left. She finally stared at me and asked "what was what?" "That look you gave Jess like you wanted to kill him." "Look Jackie he-." Rory was cut off by Jess as he gave me coffee and said "here coffee." "Thanks. So uh... have you talked to Shane?" I asked him. For whatever reason Rory looked towards Jess so fast I thought she was gonna get whiplash. "Um I -I'm um I'm going to." He said. Rory scoffed. "Look I don't know what's going but I gotta go. See ya later Rory." "See you too." Once I stepped out I saw Rory scolding Jess. Weird. I got on a bus to Hartford to go to Tristan's house. After some time I got off the bus. I called Tristan and asked him to meet me at a coffee shop. He said okay so now I'm waiting when my phone ring. It's Tristan. "Hello?" "Hey um so my car like ran out of gas so I have to wait for someone to bring me some." "Okay that's fine I'll wait." "I'm sorry Jackie." "Tristan honestly it's okay." "Are you" he was cut off by another phone call. Rory this time. "Hold on Tristan Rory is calling me." "K bye see you. I'm sorry." "Bye and it's okay." As I hung up I answered Rory. "Hello?" "Hey Jackie um look I have to tell you something." Her tone scared me. "What is it?" "Um he..." "who's he? He what?" "J-Jess he, he kissed Shane today." "What!" "His hands were in her pockets and everything. It was quick but I just wanted to tell you." "So that's why you were staring at him like that?" "Yeah I'm sorry I should have told you sooner. Jackie? Jackie say something please?" I was shocked, no words came out. What we could have been was done before it even started. Then I saw Tristan's car pull up. Great timing. If Jess wants to play that way I can too. "Um it's fine I don't care anymore but thank you for telling me Rory but I gotta go Tristan just got here." "Okay bye love you." "Love you too." I hung up as Tristan got out the car. "Hey how-." I cut him off by kissing him, hard and passionate. "What was that?" He asked me. "Nothing just... I missed you." "I did too." "Yeah?" I asked him smiling while leaning in. "Yeah." We kissed again then got in his car and went to the movies instead.
Time skip.
Tristan dropped me off at the gazebo as I kissed him bye. As he sped off I caught a pair of hazel eyes. Jess. Perfect I hope he's as hurt as I was. I walked into Luke's. "Hey where's Luke?" I asked Jess. "What the hell was that?" "A kiss. Now where's Luke?" "He's out with his girlfriend for the night." "Then coffee and a burger please." "Why did you kiss Tristan." "Why are you asking me this?" "Cause you're supposed to be broken up with him like I am Shane." "Are you tho cause last time I checked you guys were making out!" "Wh- Rory." "Yeah Rory." "Look-" "no don't play that 'she kissed me first' shit okay. Your some little man whore who goes and kisses every girl and leaves them after a week. Well guess what you don't have me like that. I hope your happy cause you lost a good friend you stupid ass egg head." He was speech less as I walked out Luke's. Once I was out of eye sight of Luke's I broke down in silent sobs. Fuck. Why did he have to keep hurting me. He leaves me, plays with my feelings, and plays me. And I'm a stupid ass for trusting him again. As I stepped in the house mom and Rory had all my favorite snacks. Ice cream, chips, dr. Pepper, Luke's, and pizza. God I love these women. "Oh honey." Mom said opening her arms for me. I fell into her arms this time loudly sobbing. "I'm a dumbass f- for be-living him." "No honey you just saw the good in him." Mom told me. That's how i spent my night eating, crying, and sleeping.
Jess's pov
I didn't miss Shane. She kissed me.
ℱ𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀
"Hey Jess you ready to go?" Shane asked me as I met her at the gazebo. "Shane we're done." "What!" "I lost feelings." "It's that slut Jackie isn't it?" "Don't call her that!" "Or else what?" "Shut up your over reacting." "So what was that, that we had?" "Nothing I just used you to get Jackie jealous. Cause unlike you I actually like her." I had a book in my hand that I was planning to give to Jackie. Shane snatched it. "Give it to me Shane." "No come and get it." I reached to get it from behind her back, as I ducked down she grabbed my neck and pushed my lips onto hers. God her lips were dry and tasted nothing like Jackie. She put the book in her back pocket. I tried to get out of the kiss while reaching for the book. I finally got it and pushed her away. "What the fuck!" "I don't like you I like Jackie! Don't fucking touch me ever again." I walked off and saw Rory walk away from our direction. Fuck.
I ran to her. "Rory Rory! Rory wait!" "What? You're gonna beg me to not tell Jackie?" "Look Rory you saw I didn't kiss her." " so why was your hand in her back pocket?" "She had my book!" "Oh please Jess!"  She walked off to Luke's. As we went inside I saw Luke. I went behind the counter when Jackie walked in.
ℰ𝓃𝒹 ℴ𝒻 𝒻𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀.
Now Shane made me lose Jackie to Tristan again. 
She wouldn't let me explain myself. And Rory went and lied to her. I need to apologize.
I'm so sorry but I just wanted to add some spice.
Goodnight and thank you for reading.💕
Time: 4:57am

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