18: aww man

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As I crossed the street to Luke's I looked through the window and see Jess. He was already staring at me. When we made eye contact I smiled. He smiled back. I didn't notice it before but he has dimples that make him cuter. I stepped into Luke's "hey Luke." "Hey Jackie." "Hi jess." "Hi Jackie." As I walked to the counter we kissed not a peck a slow passionate kiss. "God get out of here!" Luke told us. "Sir yes sir!" I said saluting. Jess just laughed. I pulled him out and I was gonna walk but he stopped me.then stared at me. "Hi." I said. "Hey." Then he kissed me. We interlocked our hands and began to walk. I got used to it by now. As we got close to the gazebo I pulled away as he continued kissing my neck. "I just realized something." I said. "What." He asked still making out with my neck. "That we are- Jess don't leave a mark!" "I won't jeez." "Your lucky Luke hasn't found the ones from you know." "Duh I would have been dead." "Anyways we are fortunate to have good teeth." "I know right." "I mean imagine if braces were involved." "It'd be a bloodbath." He said as my back hit the steps to the gazebo. We then began to kiss again my hands on his neck pulling him closer. His hands then traveled down my back reaching for my butt. "Nope not right now." I said stopping him. He groaned in my mouth. "There's kids around!" I said. "So let's give them a little preview of how they were born." "Eww Jess!" He laughed and pecked my lips. We then began to walk. "Where we goin?" I asked. "To Luke's." "So then what was the point of leaving Luke's if we could have just stayed there?" "The point was making out." "God you're a perv." We then began to kiss as we crossed the street. Coming to a halt cause a car drove by. "One of these days we are going get smashed by a car." I said. He looked at me with admiration and smiled kissing me again. As we stepped into Luke's Jess said. "Y'know I could help you with your homework. Upstairs." "Don't take this the wrong way but how are you gonna help me?" "Come upstairs and I'll show you." As we began to walk upstairs mom came in and stopped me and Jess at the counter. "Jackie!" She said. "Bye." Jess said. He pecked my lips then went upstairs. "Hey." "Were you guys going upstairs to kiss?" "Hey look luke. Luke can you serve the mad woman some coffee?" I asked. "Sure." After a few minutes of us talking she left. "I'm gonna go upstairs." "Don't do nothing." "Don't worry I'll hang a sock on the door if we do." "Jackie!" "I'm playing. God old people." I said walking up the stairs. I knocked on the door. "You don't have- oh hey." Jess greeted me. "Hi." He then kissed me. Ever since we Y'know the kisses have become more passionate. He pulled me in the apartment as I closed the door behind me. He then walked backwards until he fell on the bed. We pulled apart until he pulled me onto his lap. Making me straddle him. He tapped my waist which meant to open my mouth and I did. His tongue met mine as our tongue dance around each-other's not getting enough. He then began to rock my hips back and forth. I felt him slowly getting hard as I felt him on my core. I wanted him bad but we agreed to take things slow. I'm a dumbass. "Jess" I slightly moaned. Just then the door barged open. I jumped off his lap and onto the bed next to him. "Rory hi!" I said. Poor girl looked traumatized. "Um I'm sorry I- Luke- book." She finally got out. "Umm what book?" He asked. "The bell jar." Jess got up and went to the kitchen table grabbing the book. "Here." He said giving it to her. "Thanks. Bye. Umm continue." She said running out. I looked at Jess as I stood up. "Well. That was fun." He said. I leaned in and kissed him. "What are you doing?" "She said continue." "True." This time I walked backwards until me and Jess sat on the bed. His hands snaked around my waist. He pushed me down. Still kissing me. He then hovered over me. We began to make out again. He then started kissing my neck. His hand went from my waist  to my belt. I wanted him I really did. But luke was downstairs. "Jess not right now. Luke's downstairs." His head dropped as he sat up. "I forgot. Sorry. We're supposed to be taking things slow." "It's okay. Um can I ask you something?" I asked hesitant. He would 9 times out of 10 say no, but it was worth the try. "Sure?" "So there's this winter-" I was cut off by him pecking my lips. "Winter thing it's like a carnival and-" another peck. "I was wondering if you wanted it go?" He then looked around. Humming. "Hmmm no." He said leaning in to kiss me. "Come on it'll be fun." "No thanks." He said moving to my neck. "The marching band will play. There's gonna be bad food, bad games, bad prizes." "I don't do these town things." "You went to the bid-a- basket contest, and the dance marathon." "That's cause I was trying to get you. I now have you all to myself I don't need to do stupid stuff for your attention." "Wait if you went to the bid-a-basket why did you buy Rory's basket?" "I-I don't know." "Yes you do. Why? Did you used to like her?" "No. I only ever liked you." "Then tell me." "You said your basket was after Lindsay's so I thought Rory's basket was yours." "But Dean bid on the basket that's a bigass clue to who the owner of the basket was." "Well I thought Rory wasn't participating so he just wanted to bid." "That's why you got mad." "I did t get mad." "You so did." "Remember when we almost kissed that day?" He asked. "Yeah until that stupid swan ruined it." "I got jealous when you and Tristan were In the water. You guys looked... I don't know I love?" "Me and Tristan!" "I got jealous when I saw you with every time." "Really?" I asked kind of in awe. "When he gave you a piggyback, when you guys came to the diner after the ball and you guys were close and laughing, the other time when you laughing so hard your hard was in his shoulder and his head was in your hair." "So he was right!" "Who?" "Tristan." "About what?" "That day after we left he purposefully grabbed my waist to make you jealous to prove to me that you did like me." "Was it obvious." I thought for awhile. Looking back fuck yeah it was. The food, the two almost kisses, jealousy, when we actually kissed. "It was." "Then why didn't you say something. You obviously liked me back." "Why didn't you do something if you knew then!" "When did you first like me?" "Umm when you pushed me down the stairs." "Really? that long?" "Yeah." "Remember the day I kissed your cheek and gave you a hug." "Yeah that same day I almost kissed you again till Rory came in. I honestly didn't expect you to be bold like that." "Oh well what can I say." "When did you first like me." "Umm when you did too." "Huh." "Yeah." "So we liked each-other for so long yet never did anything. We both knew too." "Yeah we were in the way of each-other." Luke barged in. "Where's my- oh hey Jackie, Jess. Didn't see you guys there. Have you seen my screwdriver?" Luke said. He did this every day. "Right there on the table." Jess said. "Right thanks." "Okay well I gotta go get ready for the carnival you aren't gonna go with me too." I said gasping dramatically. "Still not going with you." Jess said. "Aww man." "I'll walk  you home." Jess said. "Let's go." Once we stepped outside Jess tried to kiss me again. "Nope I don't want to die." I said scared as we crossed the street. He smiled at that. "You have a dimple. Right there." I said poking his cheek. "It makes you look cuter." "Yeah?" He asked. "Yeah." We then came to a halt. We were 2ft from my house. "Your pretty Y'know that right?"he randomly said. "I guess." "I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" "I just realized I don't compliment you as much as I should." "It's okay. I know you think I'm pretty." "Every time you look beautiful I'll tell you. Kay ?" "Okay." Once we were in front of my house I looked at him. He put his hands on my hips and said "you're beautiful." "Thank you." I said kissing him. "Anytime." As I stepped onto my porch I turned back and said "bye love you." "I love you too." God I loved this boy.
Next chapter I'm gonna include the carnival and probably some spicy parts. Thanks for reading💕

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