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“Hey, I told you. There’s no point.”

“This is important, so listen to your manager.”


Ju-Hyeok got Sang-Hyeon ready to meet Acorn Jelly three hours before their meeting. Yes, three hours?early.

“Are we going to an award ceremony or something?”

“Award ceremony? Is that all this is to you? This is a salaryman’s combat mode.”
Ju-Hyeok fixed Sang-Hyeon’s hair while the latter kept complaining.

“Alright, alright. I get it! Hey, don’t pull too hard!”

Sang-Hyeon entrusted himself to Ju-Hyeok. He still had doubts, but Ju-Hyeok had become his manager now. Not just any manager, he almost felt sorry for the high-spec Ju-Hyeok. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to keep complaining.

‘Let’s just do as he says.’

Sang-Hyeon closed his eyes and reassured himself.

Splish splash.

Ju-Hyeok continued to spray his hair.


Ju-Hyeok’s efforts greatly boosted Sang-Hyeon’s confidence. Sang-Hyeon didn’t notice, but his salaryman combat mode already captivated Acorn Jelly and the manager Na-Yeon.

They found it rare to see such people in the streamer industry. Na-Yeon simply sat there dumbfounded and even the talkative Acorn Jelly briefly became speechless. Finally, he slowly stood and shook Sang-Hyeon’s hand.

Ah… Nice to meet you, Sang-Hyeon. My name is Do Jae-Muk. And the person beside you is…?”

“Hi, I’m Yu Sang-Hyeon’s manager, Kim Ju-Hyeok.”

Ju-Hyeok smiled as he passed along the business card he made earlier. His charismatic smile made him look like a movie star or an elite.

‘What are these credentials…’

Ju-Hyeok’s business card proved that he wasn’t like?an elite, but actually a real one.

Hahaha…?what an amazing manager…”

“You’re too kind. And the person beside you, who are you?”

Ju-Hyeok asked the dumbfounded girl in front of him.

Ah, ah… I’m just a normal manager. No one special. Nice to meet you!”

Na-Yeon nervously bowed at a 90-degree angle. Ju-Hyeok held in his laughter as he watched her awkward behavior. Sang-Hyeon didn’t pay any mind to it.

Their business discussion proceeded smoothly. They talked about how the stream would go, what questions would be asked, and what to avoid. Then Do Jae-Muk brought up the topic of payment.

“Now, we should talk about the money…”
Sang-Hyeon didn’t want any payment, but Jae-Muk adamantly objected to that.

“No way, I can’t do that. Even if I did, it’d resurface later on, haha. It’s not like the old days anymore.”

Sang-Hyeon wanted to say streams didn’t even exist in the old days, but Ju-Hyeok quickly took over.

“That’s true, but we feel bad about receiving payments on our end. I think minimum wage will be fine if you insist on paying.”

Minimum wage would be more than enough since Sang-Hyeon’s current salary equaled welfare.

Hmm. The pay isn’t really by the hour in this industry. How about we just split the donation received on that day?”

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