Coronation day

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No coronation in memory had had the popular favor that the new queen of Engenak enjoyed. In the capital, Hnefanak, the enthusiasm was contagious.

Although of the same royal blood, the new queen had broken with the attitude of her predecessor, and she had the support of Eldi Hnefa himself. Perhaps, his absence was what was most regretted in the capital. However, the high human had declared that he didn't want to intervene in the affairs of the kingdom unless it was essential.

In part, it meant that he wasn't going to interfere in the day-to-day life of the kingdom. In part, he was threatening to act if their promises were broken again, or if anyone tried anything against the new monarch.

As if that weren't enough, at the same time as the coronation, there was a royal wedding. The love story of the princess and the soldier had spread like wildfire, often adorned with various invented details. No one doubted that Eldi Hnefa knew it when he had paired them.

Furthermore, the new queen hadn't waited for the coronation to make some changes. Abusive laws such as the droit de seigneur or debt slavery were now outright prohibited.

Many taxes had been revised downwards, as well as it was planned to restrict the ability of nobles to raise them too high. Each territory would be allowed to have its own policy, as always, but limits would be imposed.

Corps of inspectors were going to be prepared to ensure that there were no abuses in any territory. If there were any, the nobles themselves would have to answer to them. After what had happened in the throne room with the Book of Judgment, no one was taking it as a joke. If royal justice didn't act, there was a possibility that Eldi Hnefa would intervene. It was a powerful deterrent.

In fact, many of these measures weren't new. They had existed in the past, but nobles and royalty had managed to erode them to gain more power. Perhaps, it would happen again in the future, although everyone was convinced that if it did, it wouldn't be soon.

"Did you have to buy it?" Eldi complained.

He was walking down one of the streets of the capital, and was also disguised so as not to be recognized. All kinds of stalls were set up on both sides. They were selling food, flags and all kinds of souvenirs.

"Of course! You look gorgeous!" Lidia exclaimed, though she lowered her voice in the second sentence.

She was holding in her hands a carved wooden figure of a warrior. That figure was carrying an axe on his shoulder, and was stepping on a nobleman. Said warrior was a representation of Eldi Hnefa.

He looked aside and sighed. Liodon was proudly wearing a t-shirt with his father's face on it, which he had bought at a previous stall.

A little further back, Ted was laughing. He and Mideltya were carrying the kingdom's flag, to which the faces of the queen, the king, and Eldi had been added. There were many similar ones everywhere.

"Give up, you're surrounded," his son laughed.

The truth is that he felt moved, but also embarrassed. To make matters worse, Gjaki had bought several of each. She had brought Chornakish, Diknsa and Coinin, among others, "for sightseeing." They were a little behind, as they were enjoying the food and Eldi's merchandise. The vampiress had decided to buy at least one of each.

What the high human didn't know was that his children had asked the same thing to some trusted friends, since their mother had asked them. She couldn't go in person, although she was observing everything through the plants, not wanting to miss any details.

Goldmi and Elendnas weren't as keen on buying souvenirs, but the twins had forced them to get some. Both parents had been scared when one of the girls had said out loud that they looked like uncle Eldi, but it had been a false alarm. Quite a few children called him that, even though they didn't really know him.

Hnefi was also with them, although it had made itself invisible. Otherwise, it would have been suspicious. The spirit was delighted, both by being with Eldi and by the atmosphere in the city. Just as its feelings were reflected in the people, people's feelings were reflected in itself. After all, it was the spirit of the city.

Suddenly, Eldi's eyes widened for a few moments. He had recognized two of those present, a man and a girl. They were Galdho and Dina, the craftsman and his daughter, whom he had saved from the counts of Tenakk.

"Hnefi, can you mark them? They're my friends. I'd like to visit them later," he asked the spirit.

It agreed, delighted to help its father. Within the city, the spirit could know where they were.

"Who're they?" Lidia was curious.

"Do you remember the craftsman and his daughter in Tenakk that I told you about? It's them," he explained.

"Oh! What a coincidence! Look at them, they're both wearing t-shirts and flags," she laughed.

Eldi just sighed. He knew it was a lost war.

Kioniha and Liukton sat on the sofa, tired, leaning affectionately on each other. It had been an exhausting day, but also exciting. It seemed like a dream that they were married, and that they were kings. The royal couple looked at each other and kissed tenderly while they waited.

They got up nervously as fluctuations of mana filled the next room. They held hands when the door opened, restless, anxious, expectant.

"Don't be so nervous, we don't bite," a female voice mocked.

"Lidia!" the queen greeted her.

Lidia had often accompanied the princess since the queen's death. It could be said that she was her hidden advisor.

Liodon smiled at Liukton friendly. The two of them had also gotten along, and even trained.

Anyway, all eyes were directed to the third guest. The kings knelt respectfully.

"Please, get up. I'm here only as a friend, to congratulate you," he asked.

"Better get up, dad is a little shy," Lidia laughed, easing the tension. "Better wait until other day to ask for an autograph."

"Lidia!" the queen protested, embarrassed.

"Ha, ha," her newly acquired friend laughed.

Eldi smiled at the exchange. They seemed to get along well, and he preferred to ignore about the autograph.

"It's time for the queen to activate control of the heart of the city," he interrupted them.

"This... I'm sorry, but it's no longer possible. It can't be done anymore... Since two generations ago..." the queen explained, somewhat dejected.

She was afraid of disappointing her childhood idol by not being able to accomplish what the queen was supposed to do. The control of many barriers, fountains and various functionalities had to be simulated due to this. It was one of the greatest dishonors of the royal family.

"I know, that's why I'm here. Come with me," the high human assured.

The queen looked at him with wide eyes, excited and reverent. Not for a moment did she doubt his word. It was impossible to do so after what had happened not so long ago.

Although that didn't stop her from being astonished when the wall opened, thus showing the way to the stairs. Not by chance had he chosen that room to set up a Gate.

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