They moved silently, while avoiding the losts with the help of Gjaki's Bats. The goshawk pointed the clearest path, and, on the ground, it was the vampiress who guided them.
Goldmi, with Life Detection, made sure that there was nothing hidden among the trees or under the surface, at least, at a shallow depth.
"It's getting harder," Maldoa complained.
"Yes, their density is increasing," Eldi confirmed. He was carrying Menxilya on his back.
The girl's condition was peculiar. Despite her level not being low, most of her growth had gone to improve her profession as a prophetess. In addition, she wasn't used to long excursions.
"My sister says there's something strange. I'll take a look," Goldmi informed them.
She mounted onto the lynx, so the feline could keep pace with their companions. While riding her, she connected with the goshawk through Visual Link. Since they now lacked their Detection skill, her companions took the opportunity to look for a place to rest. They took refuge behind a small hill, where the elf was carried by her feline sister.
"Well, it's quite strange. There're two rather large losts fighting. There're others on the ground, which seem to be injured. Perhaps, they're recovering," the elf informed.
"Is there a general?" the vampiress suggested.
"I think so. We're looking for it," her friend answered, without stopping looking through the eyes of her winged sister.
The corrupted beings didn't act without orders, unless there were living beings nearby to attack. It was inconceivable that they would fight each other, unless someone ordered them to.
It didn't take long to find them. There were two, and they weren't hiding at all. Each one had chosen a lost, and they were encouraging their choice. They had been doing this for days, to pass the time. Some losts were regenerating little by little with the help of the miasma, although some had died. Occasionally, irritated by the defeat, one of the shadows had had the one they had chosen killed, since it hadn't met its expectations.
"This time, the victory is mine!" one of the shadows claimed.
"Damn it. That wolf was faulty" the other complained. Its chosen one had now a broken leg.
At no time did they realize they were being watched.
The elf opened her eyes after disconnecting from her sister. It took her a few seconds and some blinks to get back into her bearings.
"There're two of them. They're using the losts to fight. As a show, I suppose. We should be able to get close enough to have them in our range. What do you think?" Goldmi suggested.
"Wouldn't be it a detour?" the drelf worried.
"A little, but we'd finish off two of those beings. That way, it'll be harder for them to discover us. Without them, even if the losts see us, it won't matter," Eldi argued.
"Won't they notice that they're missing?" Maldoa hesitated again.
"Even better! As soon as we take the tunnel, we'll get quite far. Let them stay looking for ghosts," Gjaki thought amusingly.
"You almost say it as if it were better to go looking for them to eliminate them," the drelf looked at her, not quite sure what to think.
"Well, it wouldn't be a bad idea," Goldmi said.
"Yes, kill bad guys," the fairy added.
"Does everyone agree? Can Pikgra check if there're any more nearby?" the high human suggested.
"Pikshbxgra will find them for uncle Edi!" the fairy assured, as she pronounced her own unpronounceable name.
"Is that okay with you, Menxilya?" the vampires wanted to be sure.
If the girl said no, they would give up. They had promised to take her predictions very seriously.
"As you wish," she was somewhat indifferent.
The idea of eliminating those beings seemed fine to her, although she didn't feel that it was especially good or bad for their purpose. In fact, her visions didn't come when she wanted them, but rather they came suddenly, always in the form of dreams. Sometimes, she even daydreamed.
They advanced in the direction indicated by the albino bird. They didn't go straight to the shadows, but rather took a detour to move through the less dense areas.
Often, the group had to go back to avoid hidden enemies. Like an area of trees inhabited by some black insects that in the past had perhaps been bees. It was difficult to be sure.
"We have to go through there," Goldmi pointed.
"There's no easy path. We'll have to create one again," the vampiress sighed.
"Don't complain too much. I'll give you mana," Eldi cast Mana Loan.
After receiving it, Gjaki smiled mischievously and advanced with Darkness, while creating Dark Walls. Darkness magic was perhaps the only one that didn't alert the losts, and they weren't able to perceive the living through those walls.
The only problem was the high mana expenditure, but, for now, they could handle it. That way, they overcame the flat terrain through which the nearby losts would have seen them.
They continued advancing, and hid behind the uneven ground when there were any, or behind the walls, when there was no other option. In fact, the latter was becoming the most common situation as they were getting closer.
"A patrol is approaching! Come here, quickly!" Gjaki urged them.
They hid under Shadow Protection, just in time to see a group of corrupted centaurs trotting past. They were quite dangerous, because, although corrupted, they retained something resembling their old intelligence. At least, they could receive slightly more complex orders, and assess situations with a certain autonomy.
Although they were behind a tree, one of them came close enough to collide with the spell. It stopped and stared at it, while the inhabitants inside held their breath. It's not that they could be heard from outside, but that had been their unconscious reaction.
The lost looked from side to side, until it turned to leave, to the relief of those hidden in the spell. Although it had some intelligence, darkness magic was something too familiar there to give it much importance.
After turning around, it continued on its way to its companions. Unexpectedly, the centaur stopped again, and looked at the ground attentively. It turned around and followed the footprints to the mana shelter.
"Has it discovered us?" the girl feared.
"Get ready," Eldi warned very seriously. In another situation, they could simply head towards a Gate they would have placed a little further away. However, the miasma made it impossible to use them.
A shout came from the corrupted centaur. It caused its companions to turn around and run to its position. As they arrived, it summoned a miasma spear and attacked the Shadow Protection. Without a doubt, they had been discovered.

Return to Jorgaldur Volume V: Reunion (2)
FantasyThe three are together, but there is still a lot to do.