Plan D (II)

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The lynx nimbly dodged the centaur's corrupted spear. She leapt onto the diplodocus's neck, which made her unable to finish her job.

She had Jumped to the height of the spear that Eldi had stuck in, and had used it as another means of maintaining her balance.

Her claws had pierced her enemy's skin, and with her jaws she had held on tightly to the neck. She had half broken it, but the centaur's intervention, with a skill similar to Eldi's, had forced her to dodge before finishing off her prey.

"Sister, to the hole in the neck. The shining ones should work well," she asked.

Immediately, several Light Arrows arrived at the indicated place. Normally, they weren't too effective. Despite the purifying power, they couldn't penetrate the defenses of their enemies.

However, that enemy had a huge wound. The Light Arrows not only entered its corrupted interior, but stayed inside, purifying and enlarging the hole. The damage and the weight of the head itself ended up causing the neck to break a few minutes later. During that time, the corrupted diplodocus had moved aimlessly around the battlefield, with all its senses altered.

Meanwhile, the other centaur arrived with two other losts under its command. Those were all which were in that part of the palace ruins. The group had chosen the place because there were fewer there, and because the walls isolated the place from the rest of the ruins and their inhabitants.

They had to manage to eliminate them, or at least distract them. Soon, the drelf would begin her work, and her aura would expand on that side. It was essential that they didn't disturb her.

What worried them most was that those from the other side would come, because then the battle would become much more chaotic and dangerous.

Eldi reached the corrupted snake by flying with Almost Thor. He hit the spear directly, which embedded it deeper into his enemy. However, he immediately needed Feline Response to dodge backwards the tail attack, and remained half suspended in the air.

The boa had its body pierced by the spear, but both ends could move independently and with lethality. Not in vain, its level was above 90.

As the high human dodged the tail, he found that a huge mouth was lunging at him. At close range, the speed of the snake was dizzying, which had allowed its jaws to reach and swallow its enemy. Well, that would have happened if a spear hadn't appeared out of nowhere and kept its mouth open.

"I never thought I'd actually do this. I always thought that the story of the seven young goats was ridiculous," he was amazed at what he was going to do.

Eldi was in the boa's mouth, holding on to the spear so as not to fall inside. From his inventory, he began to take out rocks, which entered the lost's esophagus.

The surprised snake didn't know how to react to the weight that was suddenly added to its body, and was increased by Gravity. It fell to the ground in a spectacular manner, while Eldi took advantage of the opportunity to get out, with the help of Weightlessness. He would retrieve the spear later. It wasn't a problem, since he had many prepared in his inventory.

He swung the axe, ready to cut his enemy in two now that half of its body was practically unable to move. Also, because of Burn Yourself, it was burning inside. Eldi had taken the opportunity to touch the inside of its mouth and apply the spell.

The snake was confused and half of its body was practically immobilized. However, the other half was still active. When the battle mage tried to finish it off, its tail lashed out at him.

He decided to rely on Rock Armor to deal with the impact. Pieces of rock flew everywhere when it occurred, and he was pushed back several meters. He stabilized himself with the help of Balance while clenching his teeth. It hurt, but it wasn't so bad that a few Basic Healings couldn't deal with the bruises.

"I've been overconfident," he criticized himself.

He dispelled the armor, because despite the increase in defense, it made him much more clumsy. Eldi jumped to the side to avoid a second Tail Lash, and applied Gravity to hinder the normal movement of the tail. Then, he attacked it with Shred, which inflicted multitude of cuts.

Without waiting a moment, he Charged towards the tail. The damage it did was minimal, but now he was next to it. The tail was harmless if it couldn't gain momentum.

The boa tried to pull the tail back, but Eldi had grabbed it with Bear Hug, and was applying Burn Yourself from the outside as well.

The corrupted being then tried to hit the tail against the ground, and its stowaway with it. Eldi was expecting it, so he let it go, floated with Weightlessness, took out one of his best spears from his inventory, and began to spin with Drill.

When the tail was rising again, it was pierced by the skill. Several Fireballs followed to attack the hole, and thus the interior of the corrupted being.

The wounds were piling up, but even so, the lost didn't give up. It wanted to hit him again with its tail, but the high human simply moved to be hit by the emptiness of the hole. He took advantage of being in the middle of the corrupted being to perform Dancing Axe, which cut the tail from the inside continuously.

In addition, he had left two spears with Stand. They stuck in the solid part thanks to the momentum of the tail itself, and held it for a few moments. That helped the effect of the axe skill to be greater, in addition to make it vulnerable to some Burning Blasts.

Finally, he had managed to defeat the lost. No other enemy had intervened in the fight due to the support of his companions, especially Goldmi. She had kept another corrupted being at bay nearby, and hadn't intervened in Eldi's battle because he seemed to have it under control.

The elf had preferred to focus her attention on other targets, although always keeping an eye on her companion. In case of problems, her arrows would have been there to back him up.

The strangest thing of all was that the corrupted centaurs seemed to have disappeared. The archer couldn't see them even with Goshawkeye, so they must be on the other side.

Her winged sister had been busy controlling the aerial losts, so she hadn't been able pay attention to them. When she eliminated the last one and did some scouting, she sent a discouraging message.

"Sisters, we have a problem."

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