The twins hugged their parents as soon as they arrived. Elenksia, their babysitter, rushed over Klimsal.
"Silly. I've only been gone a few hours. It's not reason to start crying," the elf hunter consoled her.
"I was worried..." Elendnas' sister sobbed while hugging her beloved.
"No one hugs me?" Klimsal's brother complained. He had been invited to the Great Brotherhood for a few hours.
"If you want, I can call Jilhda," her sister threatened, laughing.
He swallowed, terrified at the thought. The animal was very affectionate with the elf, but its idea of being affectionate with him was hitting him with its head. It wouldn't be a problem if the animal were a kitten, but it was a robust hybrid three and a half meters tall, which weighed more than four tons.
The elf's face caused everyone to laugh. The image of him falling into the water after being caressed by Jilhda was fresh in everyone's memory.
Eldi accompanied Gjaki to the mansion, in part to help her bring some of her relatives. For the vampiress, all the inhabitants of the mansion were her family.
Liodon went with him. Lidia, Ted and Mideltya had taken the opportunity to visit Melingor, but Eldi's son had preferred not to go. Even though he got along well with his sister's husband, he didn't really like going to that kingdom.
"Welcome," Dinksa greeted them, hugging them all.
"We're back," Gjaki returned the hug with affection.
"Eldi, Krinia called. She says that she's gotten the aktina. That you already know what it's about. They also say that they'll go to the coronation in Engenak," the devil vampiress reported.
"Ah! I'm going to look for her! We can go together! Are you going to make the staff for her, or do you have things to do?" the vampiress asked the high human.
"I've nothing special to do, I have plenty of time. I didn't know you wanted to go to the coronation," Eldi was surprised.
"I've just decided! See you later!" the vampiress said goodbye while entering a Gate.
"She's hopeless," Cuina laughed.
"I've already assumed it," Diknsa sighed.
"It's part of her charm," Chornakish added, before blushing. He had said it out loud without realizing.
"Oh, you're getting bolder and bolder," Coinin, who had just arrived, mocked. "How has it been?"
"I's been exciting! You should've seen the cave! We entered through the water!" her sister responded enthusiastically.
"Have you made a video?"
"Sure! Do you want to watch it?" Cuina proposed.
"Later. It's lunchtime," Diknsa interrupted.
"Ah... okay... Well, that way, we can invite the others," Coinin proposed.
"Great idea!"
They had barely started their meal when Krinia, Krongo and Kruloz arrived. They were in charge of the official visit, and they were about to leave for Engenak. There were several gates that would shorten their path, but it would still take them about a week to arrive.
Gjaki had given them no choice. She had practically dragged them with her, after assuring them that she had direct Gates.
"Mom, can you put three more plates?" the vampiress greeted.
Instead of answering, Dinksa pointed towards the table with a smile. There were four empty places, prepared for them.
"Ha, ha. You're the best!" Gjaki praised her. "Eldi, when can you make the staff?"
She knew that it wasn't easy for her friend to ask. Even though Eldi had offered in the past, it was too big a favor for her.
"We can go after lunch. I don't know how long it'll take, so we better go to my village. I don't want to be interrupting the others," Eldi proposed.
"I want to see it..." a vampiress with light red skin, almost pink, asked.
She was a blacksmith, and Eldi was her teacher. She didn't want to miss the crafting of the staff.
"Me too!" her brother, of the same color, asked.
He was a jeweler, but he was also curious. Plus, he hoped his teacher would make some matching jewelry.
"Can I go?"
"Me too?"
"Ha, ha. I think it's better if you craft it here," Coinin laughed, amused.
"I guess there's no other choice," Eldi sighed.
Gjaki smiled as she looked at her friend. The reptilian mage was totally absorbed, inspecting her new aktina-core staff, practically crying with delight.
She had never held such a weapon in her hands, never had her mana circulated with such fluidity. That staff seemed to be tailor-made for her. In fact, it was.
Eldi had added a scale of Krinia herself to the weapon. That practically made it impossible for others besides her to exercise its full power, except for her descendants. Furthermore, it improved the mage's affinity with her weapon, and even gave her the ability to retrieve it from a distance.
Right now, she couldn't believe it. When Eldi had lent her a spear to test the difference, she had gotten an idea of what to expect. She had had high expectations, but those expectations paled in comparison to reality. The quality of the aktina was far superior to the materials of that spear.
As if that weren't enough, the jewels and armor that she had also received formed a unique set that synchronized with the staff, like she had never felt before. Perhaps, it was similar to the imperial treasure that only the emperor himself could use.
The high human had also added in them shreds of scale and aktina itself, thus creating a resonance between all parts of the equipment. The mage was beside herself, excited.
Kroluz and Krongo had also received custom-made equipment. Although it couldn't compare to their wife's, they were more than satisfied, even enthusiastic. They had never owned anything like that.
The three of them were so absorbed that they almost lost track of time. They spent the days until the coronation practically in one of the training rooms, to familiarize themselves with their new weapons and armor.
So much so that, when Gjaki went to look for them to take them to Engenak, for a moment, they didn't understand.
"Now? There're still several days left," Kruloz was surprised.
"What do we have to do there so soon?" Krongo asked.
"It's fine, Gjaki may have things to do. There's no problem if we arrive earlier," Krinia added, grateful for the transportation.
"Guys... The reception is tomorrow..." Gjaki clarified, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
"We have to prepare!"
"Hang on a minute!"
The three ran away. They couldn't go like that, they represented their empire.
"Thank goodness I listened to mom and warned them beforehand," the vampiress shook her head, while her laughter sounded in the room.
However, she wasn't that surprised. Eldi had made weapons for several of the mansion's inhabitants, and many of them had had similar reactions. Nonetheless, they hadn't had to go to a coronation

Return to Jorgaldur Volume V: Reunion (2)
FantasyThe three are together, but there is still a lot to do.