Plan D (I)

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In the past, in the game, they could get an expert in this type of work. It was a kind of puppet that they rented, and they had to escort it carefully. It lacked combat skills, and its defense was very weak. In addition, it had to be directed, and its actions needed to be managed carefully.

Now, they didn't have something like that in their inventories, but they did have a drelf. She could do the job, although it was important that she reached her destination without being detected. She would also need time to carry out her function.

Goldmi found a suitable place to position herself, thanks to her winged sister. Her mission was to help from a distance, and act as a babysitter. Therefore, she placed several Light Abysses in the surroundings. She couldn't risk some losts surprising them.

Additionally, after a Life Detection, she decided to place a kind of soft tarp under them. It was also very resistant, so their enemies couldn't reach them from underground without being noticed. In addition, a Light Abyss that she had placed just below couldn't trigger anymore due to their actions over the tarp. Besides, it would be blocked if it was activated, only affecting below. If any lost tried to emerge towards them, they would find the tarp and the traps.

Of course, they also had the protections which Eldi had granted them, and those of the elf herself.

Menxilya, accompanied by a bodyguard with many tentacles, was observing everything with insatiable curiosity. At times, it even seemed that her eyes could see beyond. It must be said that she had snacks and drinks at her disposal, so, if it weren't for the miasma, it would have given the impression that they were on a picnic.

Eldi remained hidden behind a half-ruined wall, as he was waiting for the signal. All his preparations were ready, which included a Protect on the lynx. All that was left was for his allies to reach the designed position.

Gjaki was accompanying the drelf, thus hiding her in Darkness. As she approached the ruined tower, she could see that there were more powerful losts within. They were guarding the chambers of their former master.

Most of her enemies were inert, asleep, awaiting orders. The corrupted centaurs were an exception, and those to whom they gave orders. They formed a tireless patrol that constantly surrounded the perimeter, although it was easy to avoid for someone hidden in the shadows.

"Shit," Gjaki suddenly cursed.

"What's wrong?" Maldoa worried.

"A horse woman is watching one of my Bats," she explained.

It must be said that the winged scouts were very discreet. They barely moved, and were hanging upside down in dark areas. However, one of the centaurs had discovered it, and was looking at it with interest, or perhaps confusion.

The intellect of those beings wasn't comparable to when they were alive. However, the corrupted centaur sensed that the Bat shouldn't be there. Dark magic wasn't a problem, but the faint scent of blood hinted at the existence of life.

The vampiress didn't dare to make it move. She feared that this would alert that lost, and make their mission more complicated. What she didn't expect was that it would call its companion and point out the Bat. Among other things, it was strange because that type of interaction was unusual between corrupted beings.

It nodded, and the two of them began to quickly circle around the ruins of the supposed palace. This made the two women approach complicated, since they had to make sure they didn't collide with them. Inside Darkness, they had to go slowly, and the centaurs were trotting.

Finally, one stopped and called the other. Its companion answered the call, and approached the indicated position.

"They've discovered another one. Were they looking for it?" the vampiress was surprised, with some concern.

If the losts were capable of intelligent behavior, they could be extremely dangerous. There were hordes of them, which only needed capable commanders.

However, she took advantage of the fact that they were standing still to reach the foot of the tower with the drelf. She left her in a hole, and covered the place with a Rock Wall made Permanent. Eldi had Canned the spells so that they could use them for that purpose. Now, Maldoa and her aura were hidden, although it would soon explode. Phase two of the plan was coming.

The Bats that were with Eldi and Goldmi gave them the warning, and the elf transmitted it to her sisters.

Without thinking twice, the lynx Jumped over the wall and landed in the middle of what had been a backyard. Five losts felt her at that moment, and began to get up to obey their instincts. They had to kill that living being.

One of them, a relatively small diplodocus for its species, found a spear stuck in its long neck. Eldi had entered right after the lynx, with one spear in each hand. The first, with Javelin, was the one that had stuck in the long-necked lost. The second, also with Javelin, hit a huge blackish boa and pierced its body.

Despite their wounds, both corrupted beings got up and prepared to attack the daring living beings that had broken into their domains. In fact, they totally ignored the spears stuck in them, no matter how much they damaged them or hindered their movements.

The feline reached the diplodocus, while a small pterosaur, which had awakened from its sleep on a nearby piece of wall, hovered over her. It had spread its wings, and was preparing to fall on her.

"Mine!" her winged sister exclaimed.

The lynx had spotted the winged enemy out of the corner of her eye, but had left it to her sister. She trusted her completely.

Goldmi, who was preparing to shoot at the pterosaur, changed her target. There was something similar to a scorpion with three tails that could throw poison at a range, or sting if it was close. Since none of her allies had it within range, she decided to deal with it.

As it was a highly effective spell against those beings, a Light Trap created from three arrows soon enveloped it. Despite the purifying power and 8 levels of difference, the arthropod's armor was powerful, so it could survive that blinding light for a while.

The problem for the scorpion was that a certain vampiress appeared when its leg was sticking out of the light, and ended up being severed. The next one was no luckier either, not to mention the spear that had stuck in its abdomen. Although she had Sun Protection, Gjaki preferred not to step into the purifying light, so she had attacked from outside.

Having lost its balance, it had to endure the purifying power for a longer time, as well as some arrows. Ten of them had stuck in each of its five pairs of eyes, and pierced them deeply.

The accumulation of wounds ended up being fatal, thus making it the first casualty. However, the battle had only just begun.

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