Those tunnels were at a lower depth. Until now, Eldi had seen hatches which led to an adjacent intermediate room, but in this case, it led below.
As always, the mole-beings cautiously opened it, and let the three visitors and the lynx jump inside before closing the outside. They had gotten used to the vampiress and the elf, although they still saw them as ugly, especially the latter. Anyway, that wasn't that important compared to what they owed them for having taught two new professions.
However, they looked askance at the elf's sisters, especially the lynx. Few had seen beings similar to her, but there was no doubt that she could be an exceptional enemy.
As for the other two, they seemed somewhat mysterious and incomprehensible.
The idea of a being that could fly was foreign to their underworld. They didn't understand the usefulness, the reason for that strange and useless ability. Even those who had ever briefly gone to the surface saw it this way. Back then, they had preferred not to look at the terrible open sky.
It should be said that the goshawk didn't feel comfortable in the tunnels either, but she didn't want to leave her sisters alone. Whatever little she could do, she wanted to help. Although, without a doubt, the bird was grateful every time they returned to rest at Goldmi's house. As soon as they arrived, she stretched her wings high in the sky.
Perhaps, the little kraken wasn't so strange to them. There were underground rivers and lakes, and even mostly blind aquatic animals. What they couldn't explain was how she could survive without problems on land, with the elf. It was also strange how sometimes she Enlarged out her tentacles to take the food that her sister offered her.
"There're at least a dozen on the other side," Fita revealed with concern, after listening for a while.
Unfortunately, the hatches blocked Life Detection, so they couldn't have more precise information.
"Fine, open the hatch, we'll take care of them," Gjaki asked nonchalantly, as she wielded her daggers. "Eldi, don't be stingy, give me some blessings."
"Suuure," he resigned himself.
"Stay with her. She'll protect you," Goldmi assured the mole-woman.
Fita looked at the little kraken with apprehension. It was an unknown being, slimy and with many tentacles. However, she accepted it, letting her settle into a huge pocket in the front of her overalls. No matter how strange she was, the kraken could save her life.
When she settled down and started looking around, alert, even moving her now little tentacles, the three companions thought she was adorable.
The mole-woman, for her part, held her breath. Without a doubt, she was scared by Goldmi's sister. Nonetheless, the beings on the other side scared her even more.
She turned the wheel to open the hatch. Fita then hit it a couple of times, as she had done with the previous one. That had probably alerted the tunnel inhabitants, and that was why she had detected so many.
When the hatch gave way slightly, she moved away from it. She settled on the side of the room, while looking at the kraken, and holding onto some old supports. These were still anchored in the wall. In addition, their appearance was solid, despite the years that had passed since the last time those hatches had been opened.
Gjaki kicked the hatch hard, thus opening it wide. Immediately, a Fireball was thrown by Eldi. It came out of the hole along the lynx, who was also enveloped in fire.
As soon as the Fireball hit the ground and exploded, the vampiress jumped out, followed by Eldi. The latter also took out a lamp, which he left floating as he fell. The elf and the goshawk stayed waiting, watching through their sister. They were ready to support whoever needed them.
As for the mole-woman, she watched open-mouthed. She didn't expect those visitors to act so aggressively, by jumping directly into the tunnel. Although the truth was that their levels was much higher than any enemy they could encounter.
As she fell, without worrying about using Glide as the distance was less than three meters, the vampiress sent the two Bats that she had summoned one to each side. At the same time, she was observing the surrounding situation.
On one side, there were mostly a good number of earth snakes of levels between 60 and 65. On the other side, several giant invertebrates predominated. They had arrived alerted by the noise, and were watching each other suspiciously. Being at similar levels, they didn't usually hunt each other, but that didn't mean there was no animosity between them.
In fact, there were several small family groups forming alliances of up to four individuals. The others would attack each other at the slightest opportunity.
They had been vigilant, watching each other, and looking in the direction of the strange sound. Until something had moved, and the Fireball had appeared.
It hadn't been very effective, except against one unfortunate centipede which had been hit head-on. The spell had indeed startled them, although not as much as the appearance of the flaming feline.
After landing, she had taken advantage of her bent legs to Jump on a five-meter-long, brown snake. She had cast a Fireball to precede her, to give it no time to react. While the reptile had dodged the spell, it hadn't even seen the lynx's immediate subsequent attack.
Its neck was grabbed tightly, and pierced by powerful fangs. Given the level difference, the lynx hadn't even needed to Chew.
Gjaki had arrived shortly after, and had headed to the side chosen by the lynx. She got along well with her, and Eldi could perfectly control the other side.
With the help of Blood to the Feet, the vampiress arrived directly at one of the snakes. It was beginning to react, and wanted to flee, without ever thinking about attacking the feline. It could feel the difference in level, but it wasn't quick enough. Her daggers pierced its Weak Points before it could escape from her.
Eldi, for his part, wielded a pair of spears, covered in a Burning Aura, just like Gjaki. With Javelin, he impaled another nearby centipede and a scorpion, while he was wielding the axe to defend himself from the foreseeable attacks. He was deciding whether it was necessary to put up some walls or not.
To his surprise, the survivors turned around, terrified. Their instincts were warning them of the danger.
"Goldmi, come down, they want to escape!" the high human called.
It's not that they liked to slaughter them, but leaving them there was a danger to their allies.
The elf fell softly thanks to Hover. As she did so, she fired several Light Arrows to illuminate the tunnel, which were followed by normal level 100 arrows. No more was necessary.
In turn, the goshawk took off from her sister's shoulder, while launching Wind Blades.
"You bullies! That's not fair!" Gjaki complained. She had barely finished two.

Return to Jorgaldur Volume V: Reunion (2)
FantasyThe three are together, but there is still a lot to do.