Family visit (II)

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"Yes, father," Mideltya's brother nodded, then turned to the two half-dryads. "Rina, Rena, could you repeat it for us?"

His sister, who was staring at her brother with clear hostility, turned to them, as did her companions. They didn't understand what that was about, so they hoped to find the answers once and for all.

The one who did know was Asondor. He smiled triumphantly despite being ignored by his ex-fiancée.

They were both hybrids of panther and dryad. With elegance, they looked at the elf, and Rina was the one who spoke.

"Of course. In name of the dryads, I must announce that the union of Asondor and Mideltya is in sync with nature. It must proceed for a greater good," she announced.

Ted and Mideltya looked at her in disbelief. Melingor glanced at the elves, as he was wondering how many of them were involved in that nonsense. Lidia had to restrain herself from punching her in the face. Liodon even found it amusing.

Mideltya's mother, however, opened her eyes wide, somewhere between surprised, incredulous and devastated. She loved her daughter very much, but opposing the will of the dryads could only bring disaster. She didn't know what to do.

The dryads were highly respected, even revered, especially by the elves. They lived in close contact with nature, so the last thing they wanted was to offend them.

In addition, the dryads tended to interact little with most mortals, so the half-dryads were in some ways their representatives. Given that little interaction, few knew what their positions, thoughts and desires were.

Since two half-dryads had expressed such a position, they could only accept it. Everyone knew that the half-dryads had an intimate relationship with the dryads, which had been clearly exposed in the battle against the corruption, not long ago.

However, the situation of the current guests was different. They all knew Melia, a dryad, and knew quite a bit about what they were like, especially the twins. Getting involved in mortal affairs in that way was unthinkable for them. The thing about synchronicity with nature was nothing but utter stupidity.

"The dryads would never say something like that. They won't like it at all that you lie in their name," Liodon warned.

"What can you know?! You better keep quiet if you don't want to provoke their fury!" Rena answered sharply, angry, and hiding her concern.

The entire mansion then trembled slightly, as if supporting her words. The building was dug into a huge tree, they were living with it. In exchange for its protection and space, the elves took care of it. They ensured its nutrition, and fought against any disease or parasites.

Lidia took a deep breath, containing her fury. She looked at them with disdain, and some pity.

"Mom is going to be angry," she whispered. It was only heard by his companions.

"We're here. I hope we're not late," Eldi looked in amazement.

It was a huge tree, inside which was the mansion of Mideltya's parents. The whole thing was singularly beautiful.

"Not too late. Her parents have just arrived," Melia explained.

The dryad was next to him. She was holding his arm, and her body was pressed against her lover's. There was no way she would let him go.

She was observing the interior through the plants, which was exceptionally easy inside a tree. The dryad could hear them clearly through the vibrations produced by the sound in the trunk.

"Welcome, we were expecting you. Please follow me," an elf greeted them. She was holding back her admiration and surprise.

Eldi Hnefa was easy to identify, and his exploits were admired by the elves. However, they knew he was coming, so they were prepared for his arrival. His presence was no surprise.

What had surprised her was the appearance of Melia. The arrival of a dryad was something she had never imagined, and they had no information regarding Eldi knowing one. Furthermore, Melia's attitude left no doubt about their relationship. In fact, all the elves in the surroundings had stopped to look at them.

It was hard for her to maintain her composure, and not look at them the whole time, but she was a professional servant. She had many years of experience. The elf guided them practically without hesitation.

"Melia? Is something wrong?" Eldi worried.

Unexpectedly, the dryad had squeezed harder. When he had turned to her, he had found her frowning. Suddenly, the entire mansion trembled faintly, to the surprise of their guide.

"Yes. Don't intervene, it's a matter for dryads," she replied, more serious than he had ever seen her before. She was angry, although he didn't know why.

Melia then displayed her aura, to everyone's astonishment. After that, she let go of Eldi, and walked quickly forward. She seemed to float above the living wooden floor, and quickly left them behind.

Their guide didn't know what to do. She looked at Eldi, asking for help.

"Let's go after her."

The elf nodded. She was still bewildered, but at least she had a direction to follow.

Suddenly, the two half-dryads paled. Their faces showed terror, and they even took a step back. However, there was nowhere to escape. Even if they ran out of there, they would find themselves in the jungle, surrounded by plants.

The half-dryads had acted like this with the certainty that they wouldn't be discovered. While the dryads could spy anywhere with plants, they couldn't do so in all the places at once. The probability that one of them would overhear their lies was so remote that it could be ruled out.

Therefore, when they perceived Melia's aura, they couldn't believe it.

"How!?" Rina asked herself, desperate.

"It can't be..." her sister was terrified.

Mideltya's parents, her brother and her ex-fiancé didn't understand anything.

"Mom has arrived," Liodon murmured, half smiling.

"This's going to be fun," Lidia smiled mischievously.

"And I was hoping it'd just be a formal visit, without problems," Melingor sighed.

"What's going on?" Mideknor asked his son.

"I don't know" he was just as bewildered as his father.

"Rina? Rena? What's going on?" Asondor asked.

"She... She's coming... She's seen us... She's heard us..." Rina replied, trembling.

"Who's coming?"

Before they could answer, everyone felt the aura, the same one the half-dryads had sensed before the others. It was an aura full of life, which normally would have been extremely pleasant, gentle, refreshing. However, now it was agitated, angry. It was as if nature itself had risen up in arms.

"Mom is here," Liodon whispered.

"And she's angry," Lidia added.

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