Traitor (II)

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Cahildya let herself drop, while casting a Fire Beam. It was a ranged attack, but it could also be used as a propulsion. It is very useful if you are in free fall.

Thanks to this, she arrived above the watchtower, and used another Fire Beam to stop her fall. Unfortunately, the one who had been her brother managed to roll on the ground to avoid it.

Cohjiyo fell like a Feather. He relied on a skill similar to Eldi's Helicopter to control the direction of his flight and also reach the watchtower.

The other three guardians also landed easily. Not only had they been chosen for the mission for their combat skills, but for being able to deal with such situations. If they had to run on a Wind Path, the possibility of having to face a fall was high.

Another guardian had affinity for the wind, so it was quite easy for her. Many of her spells allowed her to control her direction or slow her fall. Therefore, She cast the ones with the lowest consumption, while keeping a close eye on her enemy and her companions. That way, she could lend them a hand if they needed it.

Another threw the spear with a rope to stick it into the watchtower. He let himself be carried by the rope, and passed under the watchtower at high speed. Thanks to this, the attacks of the losts were left behind. With the momentum and the grip of the rope, the trajectory sent him back up, to the other end. After landing, he grabbed the other spear that was on his back.

The third one didn't have any skill or spell suitable for the situation. Therefore, she spread her arms and legs and activated a special function of her armor. Some membranes covered the space between her legs and under her arms, which allowed her to control her flight with precision. She dropped to gain speed, and then changed direction to fly over the watchtower, as she had done so many times practicing her favorite sport.

Cahldor had to dodge his flying enemy's attack again. A spear ripped through his leg, while the Splinters caused several cuts. Although they weren't as serious as it would have been if the Stalagmite had pierced him.

The guardian stuck the weapon into the ground and Reinforced it to stop herself. She stood at a certain distance from her enemy, one knee at the ground, and looking at him.

Another spear passed close to Cahldor, although he dodged it easily. It reached the one who had swung with the rope, and he caught it easily.

"Thank you for giving it back, darling!" he thanked the guardian with affinity to the wind.

She barely smiled for a moment. All her concentration was on her enemy, who had managed to get up. He had some scratches, burns, and his clothes were torn to shreds, but it was nothing too serious.

"Is this how you want to play?" he asked them through gritted teeth, threateningly.

He wanted to make them talk, to buy time. If the shadow came back, he could use the losts. If not, they could still come to his aid. Some of them were shooting at the living attacking him, and perhaps some aerial ones might arrive. He didn't know if it had called them, but if they came and saw the living, they would attack them. That would give him an advantage.

However, he had no choice but to draw his swords to meet Cahildya's swift attack. As soon as she had landed, she had drawn hers and charged at him. She had no intention of speaking to him.

Not only had he betrayed his people, but he had collaborated in the pursuit of her husband and daughter. She could never forgive him.

Their swords clashed with speed and skill. They knew each other well, and had practiced a lot together, although perhaps he was a little out of practice. He hadn't practiced for almost as long as she had, but for her, the years had passed in just an instant.

As the metals continued to clash, a Fire Breath shot out of her mouth, to be met by a similar one. They both had the same affinity, and had learned the same spells and tricks.

The explosion pushed them back, thus causing them to separate. Then, he tried to surprise her by increasing his speed with Stimulation. It is a blood skill that could be described as a lesser form of Blood Overload. The pressure it exerts on the body is lower, but so is its effect. It was one of the skills he had learned and developed after becoming a vampire, so Cahildya couldn't know it.

He lunged at her, but had to abruptly change direction to avoid a dangerous axe spinning around itself. A sudden Wind Push threw him off balance, and an Earth Shackle took advantage of his distraction to trap his ankle.

He reacted quickly to deflect with his two swords the spear that threatened to pierce him. Then, he crouched to dodge the returning axe, while Burning his foot to free himself from the Shackle.

One hand grabbed the axe, a few meters away from him, as he had run up to his enemy. He only had time to attack him with the handle on the head. His enemy dodged, so it only hit his shoulder.

Cahldor gritted his teeth, as he endured the pain and tried to turn with his swords to face his new enemy. However, a knee to the jaw pushed him back a couple of meters.

He barely had time to deflect a Propelled dagger towards him, which had suddenly appeared. The wind spell increased its speed continuously, which made it extremely dangerous.

He managed to avoid it stabbing him in the heart, but he did have to let go of one of the swords. A deep wound opened in his hand as a result of a second dagger.

He turned in time to block Cahildya's sword, but he no longer had the other sword for the second one. The blade dug deep into his stomach.

"Sist..." he wanted to say, while spitting blood.

"You have no right to call me that," she contradicted him, while turning the sword to enlarge the wound in his stomach, and dodging a Fire Breath.

Her ex-brother had wanted to take her by surprise, appealing to her feelings, but she no longer trusted him. All the love she had felt for her brother had turned to hatred. His crimes were too terrible to feel the slightest mercy.

A spear was thrust into his mouth, and a Stalagmite pierced his heart. However, they weren't satisfied. He had become a vampire, but they weren't sure if was all. They wanted to make sure he was dead.

Therefore, her sister Incinerated him. The short-range spell created a cone of fire that penetrated the open wound in his stomach, and reduced Cahldor to ashes. The greatest traitor in the history of his people had been executed.

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