"Rina, Rena, what do you have to say in your defense?" was the first thing Melia said, her tone grave.
Once her sisters had perceived Melia's feelings, most of them had turned their attention to the situation. It hadn't been difficult to find out their names.
"My girls... This time, they deserve a good punishment," their mother sighed, disappointed. She loved them, but what they had done was too serious for the dryads.
Neither of the two half-dryads said anything. They didn't dare to open their mouths.
"You've spoken on our behalf without right. You've involved the dryads in matters that aren't ours. You've betrayed our trust. You don't deserve the blessing of nature," Melia sentenced.
"No! Wait! You can't do that!" Rina reacted.
"Please! Not that! Nooooo!" Rena pleaded, as she felt the loss.
Their pleas had no effect. Suddenly, their connection to nature had been severed, as well as access to all the powers related to it. This was a punishment far harsher than other beings could understand.
The two of them broke down, crying, heartbroken. Both knew that what they had done went against the few laws of the dryads, but they hadn't expected to be discovered.
"Tell me why you've done this, if you want to have any chance of redeeming yourselves," Melia questioned them.
She was implacable, although inside she felt extremely sad. Expelling two sisters was painful.
In fact, Melia didn't have the power to expel them. She was simply the spokesdryad at that moment. They had all decided it, including the mother of the two sisters. She felt deeply hurt by having to do it, but it was necessary.
Both sisters hesitated for a moment. However, losing the opportunity to return, losing all hope, was something they couldn't afford. They would have to pass the dryads' tests, but at least they had a chance.
It wouldn't be easy. It would be impossible to lie, and they would have to prove that they were truly sorry. The sisters had to change, be sincere, convince them that they were worthy of returning. Not many had managed to do that.
"They... They paid us..." Rina admitted, as she pointed at Mideltya's brother and his friend.
"It's not true! How dare you...! Mmmmm," Asondor denied.
He had taken a step towards them, threatening, ready to draw his sword. He wanted to stop them from speaking.
However, some branches freshly emerging from the wooden floor silenced and immobilized him. His friend, after seeing that, wisely decided not to move.
"Go on," the dryad demanded.
"He... Asondor... He paid us to say that the dryads supported his marriage. Guideknor was the one who contacted us and introduced us," Rena confessed.
Melia then looked at them. Her eyes were shining, and her aura had become more hostile. Eldi, who had arrived shortly after her, looked at her with concern. He had never seen her like this.
"The dryads don't meddle in matters that don't concern them. You have wanted to use our name, so you have made it concern us. From now on, we consider you outcasts. We and the plants turn our backs on you," Melia sentenced.
It might not seem like a big problem, but the pale faces of both young elves betrayed the opposite. Guideknor's parents also paled at the harsh sentence. That would make both youngsters lose all prestige among the elves, in addition to the direct repercussions.
The plants would no longer serve as shelter or hiding place for them. Any herb they picked would lose its qualities in their hands. Any skill, spell or blessing related to nature would be greatly weakened, or would lose its effect entirely. For the inhabitants of the jungle, it was a severe punishment
"Please, have mercy! He won't do it again!" the matriarch begged.
"The decision is up to all the dryads. I am only the messenger. If they want their sentence revoked, they'll have to prove that they deserve it," Melia was adamant.
For a few seconds, no one said anything. There was only an awkward silence, as well as some pale and disconsolate faces.
"Take them to their rooms. We'll talk about this later," the patriarch ordered.
Servants and guards took the two young elfs and the half-dryads away. They followed them docilely, without complaining. They seemed to have lost their soul, their energy. Contrary to their plans, they had only managed to anger the dryads, thus mortgaging their future.
To make matters worse, they were inside a tree. Normally, its aura helped calm the mind, help them fall asleep. However, the effect on them was now even negative.
Meanwhile, the dryad's aura began to soften. It became gentler and more refreshing. Eldi approached her.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he took her hand, still worried.
"Yes. It was an unpleasant matter that I didn't expect, but it's already resolved. Although, you could use a kiss to comfort me," she asked sweetly, while wrapping him in her arms.
"Here...?" he wanted to protest.
Nonetheless, it was of little use. He was unable to resist the softness of her lips, as it was every time she took the initiative to kiss him. It hadn't been a few times.
The twins smiled widely. Not only had the problem been solved, but their parents had finally found each other.
As for Mideltya's parents, they had mixed feelings. Their son's punishment had been extremely harsh, although he had also wanted to deceive them. He had conspired with his friend against his sister, had falsely used the dryads' name, and had wanted to make them accomplices.
As for the dryad's sweet attitude towards her lover, they preferred to ignore it. It was known that they were very effusive and not very reserved.
Faced with the new situation, they had no choice but to accept their daughter's choice. The existence of a dryad as the groom's grandmother had solidified her position even more. It hadn't even been necessary to call Goldmi and Elendnas, who were ready to come if it was necessary. All that was needed was for Eldi to open a Gate. As for Gjaki, she was too busy.
Mideltya hugged her mother, both of them unable to hold back their tears. However, that didn't save Ted from strict scrutiny by his future mother-in-law. Lidia had to control herself so as not to burst out laughing at her son's submissive attitude.
"Congratulations, Mideltya. I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I hope you'll be happy," her father said goodbye a few hours later.
"Thank you, dad," she replied.
She didn't say it effusively, but not as coldly as on other occasions. He remained impassive, but inside he felt deeply moved.
His wife waited for them to leave to talk to him. She would have liked to be with her daughter longer, but she knew she would see her again soon. The wedding still had to take place.
"She called you 'dad,' she gave you a chance. You better seize it," she warned him.
"I understand. I wanted the best for her, but it's clear that I was wrong. I never expected Asondor and my son to be capable of offending the dryads. Besides, I haven't seen her smile like that in a long time," he sighed.
"Let that be a lesson to you."

Return to Jorgaldur Volume V: Reunion (2)
FantasíaThe three are together, but there is still a lot to do.