Plan D (III)

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Gjaki and the lynx were working together with each other and with the archer. Now, they were facing two dung beetles bent on getting their hands on an illusory ball.

The reason had been a joke by the vampiress as she avoided them, while dodging a strange being that looked like a mix between a buffalo, an ostrich and a bear. She had created an illusion of a dung ball to distract one of the beetles, although she knew that in reality it was useless. Illusions didn't work against them.

However, the corrupted insect had gone towards the illusion, as had its congener. The surprising discovery made her try Mirror Clone against her current adversary, the newly baptized bufostribear. Luckily for Eldi, he hadn't been around to hear the name. Unfortunately for him, he would probably find out later.

"They work! Could it be that it depends on the level?" she had wondered.

It made a certain amount of sense. The higher the level, the greater the intellect. The corruption may have damaged it, but it was still greater than the low-level ones. This greater intellect could be counterproductive this time, as it let them be fooled by the illusions.

She didn't stop her offensive. With her enemy attacking her Clones, it was easier for her and the lynx to finish it off. Immediately, they turned to the beetles.

They looked confused, with their instincts giving them contradictory orders. On the one hand, they had to attack the living. On the other, they had to do something with that huge ball of dung, which they couldn't touch, however.

Taking advantage of the confusion, the vampiress and the lynx attacked a beetle each. Gjaki climbed on top of hers. She was looking for a weakness in its powerful armor. Specifically, between the armor of the torso and of the head.

Gjaki stuck a dagger in between, but the edge didn't reach deep. She inserted the other and twisted both, to keep open a small space between the armor. A spear materialized in her hand, with which she stabbed into the corrupted insect. A hammer followed to strike the spear and drove it deeper. The wound would be lethal as soon as two more spears were added.

The lynx approached the problem differently. The beetle was trying to stand on its hind legs, to rise over the intangible ball. She took advantage to launch herself at it, which made it lose its balance.

It fell on its back, which left it defenseless against her attacks. The feline jumped on the insect with flames enveloping her, Steel Skin protecting her, and her claws with the Purifying Touch that her sister had granted her.

The beetle moved its sharp legs frantically, which managed to hurt the lynx, although they were practically only scratches.

She had barely finished off her enemy when she received her sister's message. Immediately, she stood in front of Gjaki to get her attention, and left in another direction.

The vampiress followed her, worried. Her Bats had been wiped out on the other side, and that was where her ally was heading. She soon discovered the problem. Somehow, those losts had awakened, and were heading towards them, led by a centaur. The situation was getting complicated.

Eldi saw the goshawk descend in front of him and head in a certain direction, before ascending again. Without hesitation, he headed towards that direction, as it was one of the signs they had agreed upon. It was the direction to the other side of the palace ruins.

The Collide of the albino bird against a three-meter-wide pig-nosed bat clearly indicated to him that something was wrong. There shouldn't be any more active losts, since those on the other side should remain asleep.

When he reached the edge of a small inner wall, he could see through the cracks that several losts were approaching, with a centaur in front. It was clear that this was a problem for their plans.

Without hesitation, he placed several Frozen Walls in front of the wall, and a line of Rock Walls behind, reinforcing it. He had to try to hold them back as long as possible.

While he was doing so, the goshawk continued on her way after hitting the bat, and launching several Wind Blades at it. The corrupted flying mammal had stopped its flight due to the blow, and didn't have the speed to dodge the arrows that tore its wings. It fell among its companions, and was trampled by them.

On the other side, corrupted beings were also coming. Gjaki was placing adamantine threads to try to hold them back, while the lynx was buying time. She had rushed between them, covered in fire.

The first thing she had done was to Jump on a corrupted tiger, dig her claws in and Jump away again.

"Lynxes are better than tigers," she had added arrogantly, and had been ignored by her sisters.

The tiger had turned quickly, but her enemy was no longer within reach. It went after her, thus creating chaos among its allies. They all wanted to chase the agile creature, and were getting in each other's way.

Of course, there were those which could launch ranged attacks, many of which ended up hitting their own companions. However, even for the feline it was impossible to dodge them all.

A blackish, corrosive substance reached her back, burned part of her fur and reached her flesh. Her defenses and her flame managed to neutralize it, but not the pain. Luckily, Protect deflected half of the damage, which helped alleviate the wound. It wasn't bad enough to stop her from running among the corrupted beings, but it was a reminder of how dangerous her actions were.

"Are you okay?" the elf worried.

"Yes, it's nothing. It's too early to heal me," her sister informed.

Life Link couldn't be cast continuously, so it was best to reserve it. The one who didn't have that problem was Eldi, as he could cast Basic Healing. Since he was the one who had Protected the lynx, part of the damage was his.

With the healing spell at his fingertips, the battle mage just had to endure the pain. Although he got worried when the damage kept coming. That meant the lynx was in trouble, but there was nothing he could do from there. He had his hands full with throwing Javelins and Iceballs at the losts, while standing up on the wall.

Goldmi was helping him with Light Traps and Rains of Arrows, but he wasn't sure if they could hold off their enemies for long.

It was then that a powerful aura of life surged out from the base of the tower. Maldoa was doing her job, but she had also been exposed. No matter what, they had to hold them off until it was over.

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