chapter 2.

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11 years later🫧.


"GO JACKIE" chealsea yelled as we walked through the tunnel. knowing me i'm shy and i refuse.

she grabbed my arms and forced me to dance making me put my head down.

"girl you gotta get out of this shy zone" aja said and i nodded.

"ik" i said laughing.

i sat down by my locker and picked up my phone i saw my daughter gianna on the cover. it was surrounded by butterflies making me smile.

a little rundown we never found her. everyone thinks she's dead but i refuse to believe my baby is gone. ja & i broke up because it took a toll on us both and our relationship deteriorated. we left off as good friends tho.

it's been 11 years meaning gianna would be 13. i missed so much of my daughters life. i never got to take her to her first day of school. i never got to teach her about periods. i never got to do her hair. i lost it all. it makes me angry because why didn't i protect her ?

"jackie it's not your fault" sydney said.

i looked up at her and sighed. life is hard man. i'm 26 now and i play professional basketball for the Las Vegas Aces. i got my shoes customized with gianna's name and butterflies around them.

"alright yall good work today. now go home and shower" coach becky said making me laugh cus she will never have a serious bone in her body.

i looked at my phone and saw that ty texted me. 11 years later and we're still best friends. she's been with me through thick and thin and she's still going hard for her niece. there's not a day go by she don't mention gianna.

ty: hey bestie 🥹, another day! your so strong lovely forever proud of you and gigi is too. the strongest mom ik. your gonna be okay! we're gonna be okay forever🩷. i love you! #doitforgigi.

jackie: ugh i love you bestie 🥺.. like what would i do without you! i really appreciate you and EVERYTHING you've done and do for us! it's us forever #doitforgigi 🦋.

"listen guys i think we should get shirts with gigi's name on it. like a cute customized shirt of her what do you think jackie ? is that okay ?" chelsea asked me.

it really made my heart happy. knowing that my teammates really care about my daughter and is up to make sure she's never forgotten.

"ofc.. i would love that" i said smiling at them.

"good cus i already got it ordered and paid" aja said making me giggle.


"so how's jackie ?" dijonai asked.

"she's doing okay. everyday is a fight for her. it's like we wake up hoping for something different and something good. she's strong tho and still holding on" i said.

"poor jackie. i can't imagine what she's going through. she's so strong tho. ik her baby girl so proud of her" dijonai said making me smile.

i finished talking to the team and walked to my car. although me and jackie are long distancing we make sure we talk to each other everyday so i ft her.

"hey bestie" she said smiling into the camera.

"hey you. wyd ?" i asked.

"nothing girl finna go get a yogurt bowl" she said.

"well guess what ?"

"what ?"

"the team locker rooms got a new design on it and it says "doitforgigi" with butterflies" i said.

i watched as her face went from a regular look to a smile. i could tell that made her super happy. the wnba represents gigi in ways that jackie would love and appreciate.

"omg i love you guys.. i really appreciate the support and the love it means so much to me and ja and im sure gigi would love it to." she said.

"lemme text yall coach and staff lol" she said.

"yk we gotchu boo" i said and she smiled.

"so you got your eye on anyone ?" i asked.

"girl no lol. i just been trying to find myself. it's hard loving myself sometimes let alone tryna love someone else the right way" she said making me nod.

"don't worry bookie.. your gonna be okay. it just takes time and your healing" i said.

"thank you love.. but i can't wait to see you" jackie said.

"i can't wait to see you. i feel like we have so much to catch up on but do you have any plans for today ?" i asked her.

"no i finished practice & training so i'm finna go home eat and sulk in bed for the rest of the day" jackie said laughing.

"okay well imma call you after i shower and stuff i'm still in the parking lot girl".

"okay i love you and be safe" she said.

"i love you and you be safe too"

we hung up and i headed home. ian have nun planned either so im finna go shower and watch a movie otp with my best friend. it's like a thing we do 3x a week with each other.

it's hard long distancing cus i'm so used to being under my best friend but we both doing something great in life so i couldn't be more proud especially of jackie.


"yes thank you for asking" i texted ja.

he texted me and asked how i was doing and it was vice versa. after losing our daughter we made sure to keep in touch with each other even after we broke up cus it's always love between us.

i feel like the more time goes by the more angry i get because my daughter is out there somewhere wether she alive or not. it's not fair but i trust God and ik it's his timing i just have to trust him.

tomorrow i have an interview and there gonna ask me about that day. I only agreed to do it so that i can keep gigi's name alive even after 11 years.

i never want her to be forgotten about ever. because she was such a beautiful soul even being so young she was a joy and she loved to smile and laugh. i feel as if she would've been so outgoing and such a happy go lucky girl.

"how are you tho ?" i asked him.

"good. i'm numb i can't feel anything but that's apart of the healing process right ?" he texted me.

"ofc. how you feel matters but we gotta stay strong. we got this. #doitforgigi🦋."

"always strong! keep going. #doitforgigi🦋."

i hearted his message and called ty to see if she was done showering and she was. we decided to watch a movie otp. it always makes me happy.

chapter 2😝! how we feeling ?? if you don't like it OH WELL. too my supporters I LUHH YOUUU😘😘.

i feel like jackie is SOO UNDERRATED. like she's a 🐐 but she also one of them sexy chocolate girls 😍😍😍. we luv chocolate girls 💋.

anyways vote and comment! i hope you guys like it and if you don't sounds like a you problem and you should probably go write your own 😊😊. MUAHHH 💋💋.

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