The Story of Astaroth

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It was morning now. We left the Inn and decided to look for Percival.

"Didn't he say he was working with the bank?" Banshee asked.

"Wanna check it out?" I said.


Thankfully it was right next to us. So, we walked inside. Immediately, I saw a familiar face.

"Sabrina!?" I yelled.

"It's her!?" Banshee cried.

She was talking to a well dressed man in a brown robe with long black hair in a pony tail. She looked at us furiously.

"What are you doing here?" She said with a disgusted tone.

"I should ask you the same." I said.

"It's Talon business. Something you shouldn't stick your nose in."

The man looked confused.

"Is there a problem here?" The man said in a calm voice.

"What?" She said. "No. Not at all."

"Our contract has started. You will abide by it until everything is settled." He said.

She nodded before walking towards us. She glared at us with a cold stare.

"Stop following me. If I see you again once I leave this region. I'll freeze your lungs." She whispered.

She left the bank and the man walked up to us.

"Is she a... Friend of yours?" He asked.

"Nuh uh! She's a meanie!" Banshee said.

"I see. Why did you come here to cause such a commotion?"

"We didn't. We originally came here to find someone named Percival."

"Ah, I know exactly who you are talking about. In fact. We are planning to eat together. Would you like to come with us?"

"Sure! I'm starving." Banshee proclaimed.

We found a nice place to eat outside. You could see the harbor next to you and the beautiful waters and ships.

A man was telling stories to the guests as Banshee was eating some delicious foods.

"So, what were you talking about with Sabrina?"

"Unfortunately, I am unable to say."

"Why not?" Banshee said with her mouth full of food.

"I'm binded by a contract. I can't disclose any information about it currently."

"I see."

The man who was telling a story sat down on a chair.

"Ok everyone. It's time to tell you about the Story of  Astaroth in honor for our fallen God. Lapis Dei."

The man eating with us looked over and paid attention carefully.

"Long ago. Lapis Dei also known as  Astaroth saved Máoyī from the Dark Era. An Era where many fallen Gods blood had seeped into the land and poisoned the inhabitants. A large Earth Serpent appeared from the ground and ripped apart the world. Causing earthquakes and landslides all across Máoyī. Suddenly, Lapis Dei sent a spear large enough to stab the world's core right into the monster. He sealed it into rock and used his magic to cure the wildlife from the fate of death. This is why Lapis Dei was our one true God."

Everyone clapped and cheered. Banshee followed suit.

The man however didn't clap.

"It's not true." He muttered.

"What did you say?" I asked.

He looked at me.

"Stories get tossed around. Made up, exaggerated, lost in translation etcetera. Unfortunately, this story is often exaggerated and wrong in certain things. I would explain more however, we would be here until dinnertime."

He sipped on his drink.

"Ah, Red Wine is my favorite..." His eyes flashed as if he remembered something.

"My apologies stranger. I haven't given you my name. My name is Tiánshì."

"Mines Astro."

"And I'm Banshee!" Banshee said while still munching on food.

"I see you've been making new friends Mr. Tiánshì." A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Percival.

"Hello, comrade. I hope your little quest is going well."

"It is!" I said as he sat down.

"That's good."

He turned to look over at Tiánshì.

"You're gonna make me pay the bill again?" He said jokingly.

"Indeed." He responded.

"Hopefully when you get money from doing this job you'll actually be able to pay for yourself."

"What kind of job?" I asked.

"I am a Mortician. I've been chosen to prepare for Lapis Dei's funeral. Pretty soon I'll have to pick out offerings for him. Percival will be helping me."

Percival sighed.

"That's what I was here to talk about. I'm unable to help you. Not right now anyways. Work has been draining me. I could help in a few days."

"Then who will help me?"

"I could!" I said.

"You?" Tiánshì questioned.

"Yeah! I can do it tomorrow." I said.

"Well then. I suppose it's settled. It's unfortunate that you are unable to show Percival."

"I know and I'm sorry. To make it up to you here." He placed a sack of Gold on the table.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Huh? It's uh... A sack of Gold." He said.

"I see. Thank you." He grabbed the sack.

Percival got up.

"I gotta get going." He turned to me.

"Thanks comrade. I'll repay you soon." He said before walking away.

"I must leave as well. I must get started on my work right away. I will meet you in the plaza tomorrow." He got up and bowed before leaving.

"Doing it tomorrow? But what about the Trails? There's no way you could finish them in that much time."

"You know what they say. Stress is the best motivator."

"Where did you hear that from?"

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