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Chapter 20 Recognition

Gu Yun didn't know what Lin Yang said to Liu Aihong. After talking to him, she didn't meet Liu Aihong on the road after school that day.

In the days that followed, although Liu Aihong still glared at her from time to time, she didn't bother her anymore.

Gu Yun's life gradually returned to peace, and she gradually put Liu Aihong and Lin Yang behind her.

Another week passed, and Gu Yun was about to face her first exam since she came here, the final exam of the third year of junior high school.

Gu Yun was very happy when she heard the news. Of course, she was not happy about the exam itself, but about the winter vacation after the exam, and she no longer had to get up early and walk for an hour to go to school.

While her classmates were preparing for the final exams, Gu Yun was leisurely thinking about her upcoming winter vacation.

Winter vacation means more free time, which also means that she can see the man in the cowshed more often.

She always felt that the man's eyes were familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them.

It couldn't be in this life. She hadn't come into contact with the opposite sex outside the village in the past few months. It seems that she had never seen him in her previous life. She should have had a deep impression of such an outstanding appearance.

Something flashed in Gu Yun's mind, and suddenly she was shocked. Those eyes belonged to him... the famous physicist You Ming who was knocked down in the movement!

The young physicist who studied abroad in the 1960s, graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22, and proposed the non-Abelian gauge field theory while studying for his doctorate!

Gu Yun was not studying physics. Her roommate, a physics major, was amazed when she saw You Ming's photo while collecting materials for her thesis. She said that she didn't expect there was such a handsome physicist who had achieved such great achievements at such a young age. It was a pity that he died young. Otherwise, he would have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and my country's physics research would have been raised to a higher level.

The roommate has always been a calm and calm student. Few things can make her so excited. Gu Yun was curious and went to take a look.

This glance made Gu Yun stunned. He saw a young and handsome boy standing in front of the flowerbed and smiling at the camera. His sunny and brilliant appearance made the flowers behind him lose their color.

It was written under the photo that it was taken in 1968, Y City.

Gu Yun thought he looked like an ordinary college student, not a physicist at all. But the fact is that in 1968, he had just proposed the non-Abelian gauge field theory that shocked the physics community.

The mainstream view in the academic community at that time was the Abelian gauge field theory. The gauge field theory (Gauge Theory) is a type of physical theory based on the idea that symmetric transformations can be implemented locally or globally. The non-Abelian gauge theory is a kind of force field that is conceived to describe why the nucleons in the nucleus (at that time, they were thought to be protons and neutrons) are tightly pulled together and not blown apart by the strong repulsive force between positive charges (protons are positively charged and repel each other).

However, this theory was not recognized by the academic community at that time. It was developed into today's standard model through the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking introduced by many scholars later.

Then Gu Yun and her roommate read the biography of this young physicist.

After this young physicist proposed this theory, he was excluded by foreign researchers in the laboratory at that time. How could they not be angry that the theory they had always regarded as the standard was said to be wrong by this yellow man from a weak country. Over time, those foreign researchers began to exclude You Ming.

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