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Chapter 13 You Ming

The cold moonlight sprinkled on the country road, and Gu Yun followed the faint moonlight to the cowshed at the end of the village.

The cowshed was actually a very dilapidated hut, because the village had raised cows here before, and those "bad elements" were given this place to live after being sent down, and the name of the cowshed has been used ever since.

The cowshed was a bit far from her home, and she walked for more than ten minutes to get there.

Gu Yun stared at the dilapidated place in front of her, which could barely be called a house.

Did she really doubt whether people could live here? The walls were crooked and looked like they would collapse at any time, and the straw on the roof looked uneven, and it was estimated that there were pieces missing. If it is windy and rainy, this place will be leaky.

I heard that this teacher You was a university professor before, and he should have been sitting in a clean and bright classroom to teach and educate people, but now he lives in such a... place. Gu Yun suddenly felt an indescribable discomfort in her heart. This is the characteristic of the times. She can't do anything about it, and they can't do anything about it either.

Gu Yun calmed down and walked to the door of the mud house and knocked.

"Who?" A cold male voice came from the room alertly.

Gu Yun only felt that the voice was inexplicably magnetic, like a breeze blowing through her ears, itching. She heard herself answering, "Is that Teacher You? I am Gu Yun, the one you carried back from the back mountain a few months ago. Do you still remember me? I have not been able to thank you in person, which is really rude. There is a wedding in my family today, and I sent you some dishes, hoping that you can share in the joy."

Not hearing the reply from the person in the room, she was a little anxious, and said, "Please don't despise me, if it weren't for you, I would have died long ago."

After a long time, she heard movement in the room, which seemed to be the sound of getting up, followed by footsteps, step by step, coming towards the door, as if stepping on her heart.

The footsteps gradually came in, and Gu Yun quickly gathered her mind the moment the door opened.

The dim light of the kerosene lamp in the house shone out, and Gu Yun was not used to the light for a while, so she squinted her eyes. The man at the door had his back to the light, and Gu Yun could not see the expression on his face, but she could feel that his eyes fell on her face and he was looking at her.

You Ming looked at the little girl in front of him, and the dim light in the house shone on her face through the crack of the door, revealing a fair little face.

That day, I originally wanted to go to the back mountain to dig some wild vegetables to fill my stomach, but I didn't expect to see a little girl fainted halfway up the mountain.

He originally didn't want to care. After experiencing those things, he has been away from the crowd, not having deep interactions with anyone, and not taking anything to heart.

He raised his feet to leave, but when he turned around, he saw her face.

He recognized her. She was the daughter of the second brother of the branch secretary. But at this moment, her fair face was full of bloodstains. Her usually lively eyebrows and eyes were tightly closed. She looked lifeless, as if she would go away at any time.

Looking at her like this, he didn't know why he had a little pity. He couldn't bear to see a living life pass away like this, and she was still so young.

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