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Chapter 42 Going Home

On the train, You Ming took good care of Gu Yun, asking her if she wanted to drink water or eat something.

Gu Xiang sat opposite them, staring at them closely, as if he was afraid that You Ming would do something inappropriate to Gu Yun.

You Ming seemed to be completely unaware of the burning gaze from the opposite side, and continued to take care of Gu Yun attentively. Originally, a young lesbian was sitting next to Gu Yun. As soon as You Ming got on the train, he asked if he could change seats. He also looked at Gu Yun next to him. Seeing that You Ming was handsome and polite, and that Gu Yun was young and beautiful, the female comrade thought that they were a young couple and agreed immediately.

Gu Xiang gritted his teeth at the opposite side, but he had no choice but to watch You Ming sit next to his sister.

Gu Yun felt a little embarrassed to be looked at by her brother like this. She pulled You Ming's sleeve and signaled him to be more reserved. It seemed that You Ming just noticed that Gu Xiang was staring at them. He smiled at him and sat down without saying anything.

After a day and a night, the train finally arrived at the county town. Gu Xiang could no longer stare at You Ming. He picked up his luggage and walked ahead of the two. He didn't know You Ming would follow him before he left, and he hadn't even said hello to his family. He had to hurry home to give his parents a heads-up, lest they couldn't accept such a big 'surprise'.

Gu Yun watched Gu Xiang disappear in a few steps, and was a little surprised why he suddenly walked so fast. You Ming, however, understood Gu Xiang's thoughts. He squeezed Gu Yun's hand as if to comfort her, telling her not to worry, and then continued to take her to the car slowly.

When Gu Yun and You Ming went back, the roads in the village were full of people. They heard that the daughter of the Gu family who was admitted to B University was back today, so they all came out to see the excitement. But when they saw You Ming behind Gu Yun, they were a little confused. Isn't this the teacher You who was picked up by a small car before? Why did he come back to their village again, and come back with the daughter of the Gu family? Some people said that they were both in B City and knew each other before, so they were closer. Others said that the daughter of the Gu family was able to get into B University thanks to You Ming's tutoring. For a while, there were many different opinions in the village.

Gu Yun didn't understand how they all knew about her return home. Facing everyone's surprised or inquiring eyes, she greeted the familiar faces with a slightly awkward smile. When passing through the alley, she suddenly heard a "bang" on the door. Gu Yun looked and saw that the lock on Hu Ercui's door was still jingling. She laughed out loud. You Ming saw that she was laughing happily, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up. He asked, "What's wrong? You are laughing so happily."

Gu Yun smiled and shook her head, "Nothing." She naturally wouldn't tell him that someone had red eye disease.

In this room, Liu Hehua and Gu Jianguo received a call from Gu Xiang three days ago, saying that he would be back today. So after work, Liu Hehua cleaned the house and made the bed, waiting for them to come back.

When Gu Xiang got home, he saw his parents standing at the door waiting for him. He suddenly felt a little guilty. Before he left, his mother had repeatedly told him to take good care of his sister, but now... his head hurt when he thought of the two people behind him, and he didn't know how to explain to Liu Hehua.

He looked ashamed and called out, "Dad, Mom."

Gu Jianguo and Liu Hehua were very happy to see their son back, and hurried to greet him. Liu Hehua took Gu Xiang's hand and looked at him carefully for a while, her eyes a little sour, and said, "You've lost weight and become darker." She felt that the child had suffered outside, and she felt bad.

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