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Chapter 9 Selling Grain

It was almost October, and the cicadas on the trees were still chirping. Gu Yun listened to the cicadas in the house, but she was thinking about when to go to the educated youth to exchange grain for some money.

After dinner, as it was getting dark, Gu Yun finally saw an opportunity to sneak out. She remembered that the educated youth compound was at the east end of the village.

Gu Yun didn't dare to go in and ask, so she just found a darker corner and hid there, ready to wait.

After a while, someone came. Gu Yun barely saw in the thin moonlight that it was Wang Guowei, the square-faced man who smiled the most happily behind Cao Kaijin last time.

Although Gu Yun had never met him, the original owner had a vague impression of this person. He was not a talkative person. Even if the deal could not be made, he would not shout about it everywhere. So Gu Yun called him quietly.

Wang Guowei ate a little too much tonight, so he went out for a walk to digest the food. After walking around the village twice, he felt that he had digested it almost, so he prepared to go back to take a shower and go to bed. Just as he was about to step into the gate of the yard, he heard a female voice "Wang Zhiqing", which sounded strangely familiar.

He turned around and looked around, and saw a shadow waving at him, "Here, here, Wang Zhiqing."

He walked closer and was surprised, "Hey, it's you, little girl." Wang Guowei was quite impressed by this little girl who made Cao Kaijin speechless.

Then he asked, "What do you want to talk to me about? Why are you still here so late at night?"

Seeing him ask this, Gu Yun went straight to the point and said, "Wang Zhiqing, I heard that you often don't have enough food, right? My family happens to have some leftover fine grains, and my parents want to sell them in exchange for some coarse grains that are more durable. Do you want some?"

Nowadays, fine grains are expensive, while coarse grains are cheap and can resist hunger, so people often don't want to eat fine grains, but sell them in exchange for more coarse grains. So Wang Guowei did not doubt the truth of Gu Yun's words at that time, but just asked: "We really don't have enough food, and we often go out to buy food. What is the price of your family? Let me see the price first."

Gu Yun did not waste words and directly quoted a price. This was a conservative price she set after careful research. Since she wanted to snatch customers from the black market, it must be cheaper than the black market food to attract people to buy.

Seeing that Wang Guowei did not say anything, Gu Yun thought he was too expensive, so she added: "You can also do without food coupons, but the price will be higher." She took out some rice as a sample. Show Wang Guowei the rice in the bag.

Wang Guowei took a look and found that it was indeed high-quality rice. He thought for a while, touched the back of his head, and said to her: "How about this, I'll tell Kaijin and see what he says. You see, it's okay. He is responsible for buying all the food for us."

When Gu Yun heard the name Cao Kaijin, she was stunned for a moment, and then she had a headache. Last time, she had even scolded him so much that his face turned green. Would he still buy food from her?

Wang Guowei saw Gu Yun's hesitant expression and thought of what she was thinking. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, Kaijin won't eat you." As he said that, he stepped into the educated youth compound, but the shrugged shoulders behind him still betrayed him.

Gu Yun knew what he was laughing at. She wanted to stop him, but she didn't expect Wang Guowei to be tall and long-legged. He disappeared in a few steps. She had to wait there.

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