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Chapter 45 Sleeping Together

Gu Yun was still confused when he picked her up. After she came to her senses, she struggled to get up, "You Ming, what are you doing!"

You Ming kissed her, his eyes full of smiles, and said, "What do you think?" Then he walked into the room and put her on the bed.

Gu Yun felt that she was put on his bed, and she was surrounded by the clear breath of You Ming. She looked at You Ming who was looking down at her, and saw that his eyes were on her... There was a spot of water stains there... She suddenly put her hands around her chest to protect herself, and said shyly: "Where are you looking at!"

Unexpectedly, You Ming smiled, leaned down and kissed her. He held Gu Yun's wrist with one hand and slowly and firmly moved her arms away.

Gu Yun was breathless from You Ming's kiss, and he left a little. He leaned close to Gu Yun's ear and said: "Xiao Yun, can you let me see it?" Before she could think clearly, his other hand touched her.

Gu Yun trembled, she stared at You Ming who was so close to her with wide eyes, forgetting to struggle. Although they often kissed, it was the first time that You Ming touched her. She was a little shy, but she had a strange feeling in her heart, which she had never had before.

Seeing her dazed look cute, You Ming couldn't help but smile, with tiny lights in his eyes, and leaned down to kiss her again. His hands followed his movements. Gu Yun felt that You Ming's hands were on fire, and wherever he went, it became hot. She felt that You Ming was still kissing her in a daze, and her heart felt a little uncomfortable. She wanted something, but she couldn't say it. She stretched out her hands and hugged him tightly, as if this could relieve the unbearable feeling.

You Ming felt Gu Yun hugging him, and his movements became more intense. His kisses gradually fell on Gu Yun's ears and neck...

Gu Yun's head was dizzy from You Ming's kisses until she felt a warm sensation in front of her. She shuddered and suddenly came to her senses, and found that her suspender pajamas had reached her waist. She looked at the head so close, feeling embarrassed, and if it continued, it would be out of control. She pushed him away and struggled to put her clothes back on.

You Ming held her hand with one hand and hugged her with the other. He looked at her with restraint in his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Yun, don't move. Let me hold you for a while."

Gu Yun was surprised by the heat on his body. She let him hold her obediently and dared not struggle anymore.

You Ming calmed down for a while and put Gu Yun's clothes back on. He covered the two of them with the quilt, then lay down beside her, hugged her in his arms, kissed her cheek and said: "Sleep here tonight." Then he closed his eyes.

Gu Yun lay in his arms for a while and felt a little hot. She moved out, but You Ming noticed and picked her up again. She said helplessly: "You Ming, it's too hot to sleep too close." Unexpectedly, You Ming seemed to be asleep, with his eyes tightly closed and motionless. His arms were also tightly wrapped around her waist, and Gu Yun couldn't get them free even if she wanted to. She had to put her hands on his waist and close her eyes.

After she fell asleep, You Ming opened his eyes, but there was no trace of sleepiness in his eyes. He smiled softly at Gu Yun, who was breathing evenly, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Gu Yun woke up in the morning, You Ming had already gotten up. He had just put on his clothes and saw Gu Yun looking at him in bed with her eyes wide open. He couldn't help but lean over and kiss her nose, saying, "Why did you wake up so early? Sleep a little longer, I'll make breakfast and call you later."

Gu Yun nodded and fell asleep again. Seeing this, You Ming smiled slightly, knowing that she hadn't woken up yet. He retreated very gently and closed the door.

Gu Yun didn't wait for You Ming in the end. When she woke up again, it was already around 11 o'clock. The house was quiet. Gu Yun put on her clothes and went downstairs. She saw a breakfast left by You Ming on the dining table, with a note underneath: Xiaoyun, play at home by yourself today, and go out with you tomorrow. I may be back very late tonight, don't wait for me, go to bed early.

You are so busy, how can you have time to go shopping with me, Gu Yun couldn't help but mutter in her heart. She looked at the breakfast on the table, which was already cold. She turned on the gas and put it in the pot to heat it up and ate it as lunch.

After eating, Gu Yun cleaned You Ming's house. His house was very tidy, but there was a lot of dust on the floor and cabinets.

After cooking a bowl of noodles for herself, Gu Yun took a book from his study and leaned on the sofa to read while waiting for him.

You Ming came back very late tonight.

Gu Yun was about to fall asleep, and suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and she woke up with a start. He rubbed his eyes and looked at You Ming and said, "You're back."

You Ming felt a little distressed when he saw that Gu Yun was so sleepy and still waiting for him. "Didn't I tell you not to wait for me and go to bed early?" He put his briefcase and keys on the coffee table and urged Gu Yun, "Go to bed quickly. I'll take a shower and come."

Gu Yun yawned and went upstairs to sleep without any hesitation.

After taking a shower, You Ming returned to the room and saw Gu Yun lying on one side of the bed and sleeping soundly. His heart softened instantly. He smiled, turned off the light, and lay down on the other side quietly.

Gu Yun woke up in You Ming's arms the next day. When she opened her eyes, she saw him looking at her tenderly. She didn't know how long he had been looking at her. She felt a little embarrassed because she must not look good when she just woke up. She turned around and asked him, "Have you been awake for a long time?"

You Ming was still lying on his side facing her and said, "No, I just woke up too."

Gu Yun suddenly thought of something and asked, "Aren't you very busy? How come you are free today?"

You Ming smiled slightly and touched the back of Gu Yun's head. "I worked overtime yesterday, so I took a day off today. I came to accompany you, otherwise you would be bored at home alone."

Gu Yun turned around in a flash. Turning around, she looked at You Ming's slightly tired face and said with some distress: "Who said I was boring? Didn't you see that I had a good time playing alone yesterday? You were already very busy, and you even asked for leave to work overtime for me."

She reached out and stroked his forehead, "Don't do this next time, I feel sorry for your health."

You Ming took her hand down, held it, and replied "Yeah."

Gu Yun glanced at the time, "It's still early, you should sleep a little longer and get up later. I'll make breakfast today," and then kissed his cheek and got up. You Ming nodded, looking at the wisps of light shining into the room through the curtains, and smiled softly.

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