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Thomas panted looking over the side of the railing, “We can get down here. Come on.” He said running down the metal stairs with the two girls following him down. 

They reached the bottom and walked through the debris and rubble before Brenda pulled off her backpack and sat down. She pulled out a brown bandage getting Spencer and Thomas’ attention. 

“Hey you okay?” Thomas asks, walking over to her. 

They watched as she pulled her leggings up revealing a cut and deep bite covered in blood. 

“Shit.” She whispered to herself. 


She looked up to see Thomas’ concerned expression but she couldn't figure out Spencer's expression. “Yeah, yeah I know.” 

Spencer knelt down in front of Brenda holding her hand out, she raised her eyebrow at the hand until realising she was asking for the bandages. Once she had the bandages in her hand she began wrapping them around her leg and tied it up. 

“Let's go find Marcus.” Brenda said standing up, sending Spencer a nod as a thankyou. 

She ducks under a plastic cover, Thomas and Spencer following in pursuit. Their eyes widened at the sight of people around them. Some by a fire to keep warm, others chatting among themselves. They walk into the middle of the dirt road keeping close together. 

“Okay, try to blend in.” Brenda says taking the lead again. 

Spencer pulled her hood up following after her with Thomas next to her. He looked around his surroundings as they walked. To their left he saw a group of four rubbing their hands over a fire that had meat on the grill. To their right he saw a woman holding a small child's hand walking the other way to them. 

They kept walking until they ended up in front of a building. Bulky men stood in front of a large door. 

Thomas looked to Brenda, his voice low so only the girls could hear him, “Are you sure this is the place?”

“You here for the party?” A voice came from behind them making them jump slightly. 

A blonde woman with a few necklaces on was standing behind them, her hands on her hips. 

“Uh no. We’re looking for Marcus.” Brenda speaks shifting on her feet slightly. “This is his place isn't it?”

“This is my place.” They turn towards the man's voice. A man came from the doorway and brought a glass to his lips. 

The blonde puts her hand on their shoulders as they walk towards him. Spencer glares back at the woman shoving her off him. 

“Are you Marcus?” Thomas asks. 

The man had short grey hair and large purple bags under his eyes. He plays with the rings on his fingers, “Marcus doesn't live here anymore.” 

“Do you know where we can find him?” Brenda asks him. 

“Sure, sure. He's over in Zone B.” 

“Okay, what's Zone B?” Thomas’ eyes flicker to the girl and back to the man. 

The blonde moves around Thomas keeping her hands on him as she leans close to him, “It's where they burn the bodies.” She walks over to the man's side. 

Thomas steps closer to the man, “Okay, look, has anyone else been by here looking for him?” His voice was hopeful. “Kids around our age? One girl with them, dark hair?” 

He clicks his tongue and rubs his nose with his fingers, “You know, uh.. I think they might be inside.” 

Spencer raises her eyebrow, “You know I have a feeling you're lying.” 

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