Chapter 2

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I sat at my desk in my clinic, reviewing patient files.

My mind still buzzes with excitement from the previous day's epiphany about my book. I could already envision the chapters forming, each one a meticulously crafted dissection of human relationships.

As I sipped my coffee, I heard a familiar voice from the reception area. Herberto, my flamboyant and vivacious best friend, was chatting animatedly with Fielle.

Herberto had been a constant in my life since college, his sharp wit and infectious energy providing a delightful counterbalance to my more reserved nature. He worked as a transactor at a car dealership, a job that suited his extroverted personality perfectly.

I smiled as he burst into my office, his presence like a burst of sunshine.

"Morgan, darling! I have the juiciest tea for you," he exclaimed, plopping down in the chair across from me.

He was dressed in his usual eclectic style, a combination of bright colors and bold patterns that somehow worked perfectly together.

"Herberto, you always bring the most interesting stories," I said, setting my coffee down. "What's the gossip this time?"

He leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "It's about my boss, Shawn. You won't believe what I saw last night. I caught him having sex with one of our co-workers in his office. And the kicker? He's got a girlfriend back in Australia!"

I raised an eyebrow, my mind immediately calculating the possibilities.

"Shawn Housel, right? The CEO of your company?"

"Yes, the very same," Herberto confirmed, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I always knew he was a sleaze, but this takes the cake. And his girlfriend? She has no idea."

A plan began to form in the back of my mind. Shawn could be the perfect first target for my book, an example of the kind of manipulative, deceitful behavior I wanted to expose.

"Herberto, this could be very useful information," I said slowly.

"I've been working on a new project, something that involves studying and exposing the darker sides of human relationships. Your boss could be the first subject."

Herberto's eyes widened with excitement. "Oh, Morgan, you devious genius! Tell me more about this project."

"I'm writing a book called 'Games You Don't Know About.' It's about understanding the psychological games people play in relationships and how to navigate them. I've decided to take a more hands-on approach, using real-life examples to illustrate my points." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

Herberto clapped his hands together.

"I love it! Men like Shawn, who do nasty things, should be punished. I could help you with that!"

"Thank you, Herbies," I replied. "Can you tell me everything you know about Shawn-his habits, his routines, his secrets? And I need your help to get close to him without raising suspicion."
Herberto nodded eagerly.

"Consider it done. I'll give you all the dirt I have on him, and I'll make sure you get the VIP treatment at the dealership. We'll bring this scumbag down together."

Over the next hour, Herberto provided me with a detailed account of Shawn's behavior, his interactions with employees, and his shady dealings.

He described Shawn's arrogance, his penchant for power plays, and the way he manipulated those around him to maintain control.

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