Chapter 21

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The sketchbooks, pencils, and various art supplies were scattered on my table it was evidence of my creative mind at work.

I was deep in concentration, shading a delicate curve in my latest drawing, when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Theo, have you seen my—oh, who's that?" Alma's voice trailed off as she saw my sketch.

I immediately closed the book and turned around to see my cousin Alma, her eyes widened with curiosity. 

She grabbed my sketchbook without me noticing it and she flipped through the pages.

"Alma, that's private," I said, a hint of panic in my voice as I stood up quickly, trying to reach for the pad. But Alma was quicker, she stepped back, holding the sketchbook out of my reach, a playful yet serious look on her face.

"Oh no, Theo. You can't just hide this from me. You've been sketching her, haven't you?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. 

"It's not what you think. It's just... I find her interesting to draw."

"Interesting? Theo, these sketches are amazing. The detail, the emotion..." Alma said, her tone softening as she looked at one particularly tender drawing of Morgan lost in her thought while staring the garden. That was when she visited me just to apologize for something that isn't even a big deal for me.

"Stop it, give it back to me." I demanded but she just smiled teasingly.

"Do you like her?" She asked squinting her eyes.

I felt my cheeks blushed. 

"It's not what you think..."

"Oh, come on Theo! She's my therapist and you're my cousin, you can't keep whatever you're feeling forever." She said handing me the sketchpad.

I sighed.

"Maybe I do, but it's complicated. I'm not sure if she even sees me that way." I said gently placing the sketch on the table.

"Theo, you won't know until you try. You have to give yourself a chance. You can't keep all these feelings bottled up in your art."

"Now you sound like her." I shook my head.

"It's true though! If you're going to therapy for sure that's what she'll say to you." 

I slumped into my chair as my thoughts were flying through the air. 

I had always been more comfortable expressing myself through my drawings than with words. 

Morgan had been a source of inspiration for me ever since our paths had crossed.

Her intelligence, her passion for her work, and her enigmatic aura had captivated me. But I had never found the courage to tell her how I felt.

"Alma, what if she doesn't feel the same way? What if it ruins everything?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Alma placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Theo, I might sound like her for giving you advice like this, but you can't live your life in fear of what might go wrong. Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith. Besides, from what I know about Morgan, she's the kind of person who would appreciate honesty and genuine emotions."

I looked into my cousin's eyes, searching for reassurance.

"You're right," I admitted, murmuring. "I've been hiding behind my art for too long. Maybe It's time to take a chance and stop concealing my feelings with my deep masterpieces."

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