Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello my dear wizards! Chapters 11 to 13 were collaborated with @Clintoooon_ you will meet some of the characters from his fantasy novel Past Series: Regrets and Guilt.

Morgan's P.O.V

These past three days have been a dream—an escape from the bustling city life and an opportunity to know Shawn even more. 

As the helicopter lifted off from the island, the island grew smaller in the distance.

I knew we were returning to our responsibilities, and for me, that meant diving back into our reality. I cancelled all of my clients' appointment for three days because I realized that I also have to enjoy sometimes.

"We'll come back in this island, Morgan," he said softly.

I smiled, leaning into his touch. "I know. Thank you for everything, Shawn. These past few days have been magical."

He kissed my forehead gently. "We'll create more moments like this, I promise."

The city came into view, as much as I cherished our getaway, I couldn't ignore the feeling of guilt towards my patients. Shawn noticed my contemplative silence and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

As the helicopter landed in Shawn's private airport, reality slapped me full force. 

My schedule was packed, and I had an urgent appointment at the clinic with a new patient named Remy. He wrote me an email two days ago when I was still in the island, but I haven't read it yet.

"Shawn, can you drop me at my clinic?" I asked him as we walked away from the chopper.

"Sure, my dear, I bet your patients missed you as much as I miss you when you're not around." He said smiling.

"Thank you, Shawn, you're so cringe." I said jokingly.

He drove me straightly to my clinic, my first appointment schedule will start around 10:00AM, thankfully it's still 9:00AM so I still have 1 hour to prepare and read Remy's letter. 

After a quick goodbye to Shawn, I hopped in my clinic greeting my assistant Fhielle.

"Welcome back Doc!" She greeted.

"Thankyou Fhielle and thank you for catering the patients while I'm gone."  I smiled at her.

"You're welcome, Doc! I hope you did have a great time." She said and continued scanning the pages of our patients.

"Yes, I did." I shortly replied and walked inside my office. 

Oh, I missed this place.

I took a moment to collect myself before Remy's session. I opened my laptop and read his mail.

From: Bautista Remy
To: Ph.D., RPsy, RPm Winsley Morgan

Dear Dr., Winsley, 

I'm Remy, 20 years old, I'm afraid that I might not be able to tell you what exactly my problem is in our in-person therapy session, I'm not actually good at talking about my feelings and showing vulnerabilities to anyone. So, I decided to write you an email instead just to give you an over-view about the things that I'm silently dealing with in my mind.

I'm a dreamer, ever since I was a kid all I ever want is to be successful in life, so I strived hard to achieve my goals and dreams. I was so determined in everything that I do especially in my work, to the point that I forget to cherish every moment of my life with the people that I love.

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