Chapter 25

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I parked my car a block away from Morgan's apartment, my fingers drummed on the steering wheel as I rehearsed the conversation, I was about to have with her. Things had been getting complicated especially now that Khaizer had purposely shown Morgan a glimpse of her past, I needed to ensure that Morgan remained in the darkness. 

I stepped out of the car.

It's getting dark, so I checked the time on my phone, but it suddenly buzzes. I watched my phone screen ring for a moment gathering my thoughts. 

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. 

"Hello?" I answered, my voice wondering.

"When will you tell me the truth?" His voice came through, calm yet laced with the kind of urgency that told me he was on edge of something. "In fact, I already know what happened, she hasn't complied anything yet, but things are starting to reveal itself. It's obviously because of your negligence!"

The streetlights flickered around me, as the cold wind splashed on my skin. My knees were trembling, I walked a few steps away from the car, trying to find a more secluded spot on the sidewalk. It was mostly quiet here, save for a few distant conversations and the hum of passing cars.

"I'm trying my best, that was not what I was expecting." I explained, keeping my voice low. My eyes darted around, ensuring that no one was paying too much attention to me. 

"She's been asking questions, putting pieces together. If she finds out the truth—" he said, his tone sharp. 

"She won't," I cut her off, more to reassure myself than her. "I'll make sure of it."

"Hah! Really?!" He sarcastically laughed. "Sooner or later, she's going to figure out that her entire life is a—"

"Stop," I snapped my voice harsher than I intended. I took a deep breath, lowering my voice again. "I'm handling it. I just need more time."

He sighed, and I could hear the frustration in his breath. "We're running out of time."

"Morgan will never know the truth," I insisted, though doubt clawed at the edges of my resolve. "She won't, not until it's the right time."

Before he could respond, I felt a sudden chill down my spine. It was as if the world had gone quiet, and a presence loomed behind me. Slowly, I turned, my heart skipping a beat as I saw Morgan standing there, her expression a mix of confusion and something far more unsettling anger.

"Morgan," I stammered, desperately trying to keep my composure. "What are you doing here?"

"Wtf." I could hear his curses on the other line.

Morgan's eyes narrowed, her gaze flicking between me and the phone still pressed to my ear. "I could ask you the same thing," she replied, her voice tight. "What was that about? Who were you talking to? And why were you talking about me?"

My mind raced, searching for an explanation, any explanation that would get me out of this mess. 

But nothing came. 

I hadn't even realized she was there. 

How long had she been standing behind me? 

How much had she heard?

"It's not what you think," I began, forcing a smile that I knew didn't reach my eyes. "I was talking about... a different Morgan. From work."

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