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Myra's POV

The day of Komal’s Sangeet dawns bright and early. The resort is a whirlwind of activity as everyone prepares for the evening’s festivities. I’m in the dance studio, stretching and trying to memorize the steps for our performance. I can't help but smile at the sight of Sara struggling to match Shubman's enthusiastic moves, which for sure do not look like the steps Ria taught us.

The only problem? My partner is Abhishek, and we can’t seem to get through a single rehearsal without bickering.
I spot Abhishek as he walks in, looking all smug and confident.

"Ready to get your dance shoes handed to you, Gill?" he teases, grabbing a water bottle.

"Oh Please, I was born ready," I shoot back, rolling my eyes. "Just try to keep up, okay?"

"Keep up? With you? Kuch bhi," he smirks, taking his place beside me.

Our choreographer, Ria, claps her hands to get our attention. "Alright, guys. Let’s take it from the top. Remember, this is supposed to be fun, not a wrestling match."

We start the routine, and everything goes smoothly for about five seconds before Abhishek steps on my foot.

"Ow! Watch it, dude!" I snap, glaring at him.
"Maybe if you stopped moving like a hyperactive squirrel, I wouldn’t step on you!" he retorts, not missing a beat.

Ria sighs. "Focus, guys. This is for Komal. Let’s get through it without any casualties, okay?"

We try again, and this time it’s my turn to mess up. I trip over my own feet and stumble into Abhishek, who barely catches me before we both hit the floor.

"Nice save," I mutter, slightly embarrassed.
"Anytime, have to be careful when I'm around you." he replies, smirking. "Just try not to kill us both before the performance."
We finally manage to get through the routine without any major disasters, and Ria seems satisfied.

"Great job, everyone. Take a break, and we’ll run it again in an hour."
I collapse onto a nearby couch, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

Abhishek plops down next to me, still grinning like an idiot."You know, for someone who claims to be a good dancer, you’re not half bad," he says, handing me a water bottle.

"Haha, thanks," I reply sarcastically, taking a sip. "You’re not too shabby yourself, Mr. I-am-a-better-dancer-than-Myra."We sit in companionable silence for a few minutes, catching our breath.

Despite the constant bickering, I can’t deny that dancing with Abhishek is kind of fun. He’s surprisingly good at it, once he stops trying to outdo me at every turn.

"So, pair thik hai tumhara?" he asks, nodding toward the spot where he stepped on me earlier."Ha, kick maarke dikhau," I reply nonchalantly. "I’ve had worse injuries from badminton, anyways."

"Still can’t believe you’re such a badass on the court," he says, shaking his head. "Remind me never to challenge you to a match."
" Ya, Smart move," I agree, grinning.

As we head back to the studio for another run-through, I can’t help but feel a little excited. I repeat in my head , The Sangeet is going to be amazing, and despite our constant bickering, I know Abhishek and I are going to kill it on stage. At least I'm hoping so.

Evening of the Sangeet

The evening arrives, and the resort is alive with the sounds of laughter, music, and celebration.
I’m dressed in a stunning black saree, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. Komal looks radiant in her traditional outfit, and Akash can’t take his eyes off her. Cuties.

As the night progresses, it's time for our group performance. Shubman, Sara, Abhishek, and I take our places. The music starts, and we launch into our routine. All the practice pays off as we move seamlessly through the steps, feeding off each other's energy.

When the song ends, the applause is deafening. We bow and then high-five each other, grinning from ear to ear."That was awesome!" Shubman exclaims, pulling Sara into a hug.

"Yeah, we killed it!" I reply, catching my breath.
Abhishek just smirks. "Told you we’d rock it, Gill."

The rest of the night is a blur of dancing, laughter, and celebration. Everyone is in high spirits, and it’s one of those nights you never want to end.

Also, somebody scored a century today ❤️.


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