The midday street battle

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Yu really wanting to be in one of the battles heads out without them noticing to get the low down on the team

Enzo: Hey one of them left

Selen: that one is named Yu, he's their sub member

Ian: he'll do just fine, let's do it

With Nero and cleome

Nero: Ugh I can't believe we are going to do this, he's just a kid

Cleome: Yeah well it's what we where hired too do, we've gotta do our job, plus this is the only way

Nero: we win the championships and then we never have to work for scumbags like them again

They see Yu wandering around

Nero: He's kinda cool, doesn't seem to worry about all that much

Cleome: he just likes too battle and he's good at it, he's pretty simple

Nero: not bad, but we gotta take care of him

Cleome nods

They head out jumping from roof too roof

They see Yu and Enzo having a street battle basically they are racing and battling while they do that

Cleome: you know if this wasn't a trick, it'd be great fun

Nero: ugh, I really hate these people

They keep jumping from roof too roof chasing after the kids

Back with team Gan-Gan galaxy

Brazilian Dj: The next match features, team Garcia's Nero! Very little is known about him he's not even a Garcia but one things for sure he is strong!

He holds up his bey

Brazilian Dj: He will be battling with Dark Diablo! A fitting bey for him

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Brazilian Dj: He will be battling with Dark Diablo! A fitting bey for him

And This will be extra soeviao because this will be A team battle! He will be joined by!

Cleome lands next to him

Brazilian Dj: Her name is cleome and also very little is known about her, but these two are very close and while they have never battled on a team they are sure to show us something special her bey is

Brazilian Dj: Her name is cleome and also very little is known about her, but these two are very close and while they have never battled on a team they are sure to show us something special her bey is

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