38. What's Our Nickname, Babe?

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Chapter 38- What's Our Nickname, Babe?

Zara's POV

"Ok, let's start the next game," Aunty Becky announced, "everyone...as I have been aware by either your Alphas or others, everyone of you sitting around this circle has found your mate.."

"Though some of us don't appreciate them," Bryon stated looking closely at Zack, who rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but I am very aware of ALL the mates right now, and I'd like to ask the males to move beside their mates right now," Becky said. Hayden's arm went around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I watched as some of the males went to their mates and sat down, while some of us like Hayden and me, didn't have to move because we were already seated together.

"Alright, now that the moving is settled, here's how the game works," Aunty Becky started, "you have exactly half an hour to think of at least one name that combines both you and your mate's name, pretty much like a nickname. Pretty simple, and you can have more than one if you choose. But the limit is four names so...you guys do know I have started timing, right? Get going!"

I leaned on Hayden's chest and asked him in a mumble what our name was gonna be. He looked down at me and smile.

"We're both supposed to be thinking, you know," he said to me as he kissed down my neck.

"It's not a making out game, Mr. Pierce," Uncle Jerry playfully scolded. We laughed and I got up and looked at Hayden.

"What's our nickname, babe?"

"Uhhh.....how about Hara?"

"Hara? Seriously, Hayden?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Come on, it's not that bad," he said and I rolled my eyes, "Hmmm....how about....Zayden?" he wondered.

"Wow, that actually doesn't sound too bad," I told him. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm the smartest person alive," he said cockily as usual.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night,"

"You always make me sleep at night babe," he said as he pecked my lips softly.

"Oi! Break it up you two," Aunty Becky said to us. Sadly, Hayden removed his lips from mine and smiled at me.

"Fifteen more minutes people!" she shouted to the rest of them.

 Ten minutes later..

Everyone was murmuring, still unsure of their 'nicknames'. Aunty Becky suddenly blew a whistle and everyone grew quiet (where she got a whistle, only God knows).

"Time's up, young people," she told them.

"Aright, where are we starting?" Jerry asked.

"At Hayden and Zara, since they decided to finish before everyone and start the 'making out' game," Becky stated winking at us. We laughed and I poked my tongue out at her. 

"Well, we thought...well, I thought of...heey!" Hayden exclaimed when I hit him in the head, "ok fine, WE thought of the name Zayden."

"Cool name," Natalya stated and I smiled at her in thanks.

"And although Zara shot this one down, the other one would have been Hara," Hayden finished looking down at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Isn't that like a Greek Goddess' name?" Lizzie asked.

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