56. Epilogue

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Chapter 56 - Epilogue

Four Years Later....

Zara's POV

   Lying down in the grass, I closed my eyes and allowing the sun to soak my skin. It was a very calming feeling. There was absolutely nothing that could interrupt my---

"Mommy!" a cry came from a few feet from me. Opening my eyes, I saw my little girl running towards me, tears running down her face. I stretched out my arms and prepared myself for her to jump in my arms.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" 

"Zay...Zayden...don't...want...to...share...toys," she said through her tears. 

"So, why don't you play with your toys, baby?"


Hayden came up behind her with an arm behind him, "Hey, Hera, sweetie." She looked up through her tears as she hiccupped, "Guess what I got you?"

She looked up at him with her lips pouted, "What?" Hayden pulled his hand from behind his back, revealing a chocolate ice cream- Hera's favourite.

"Cocolate!" she squealed then jumped from my hands and to Hayden. He bent down and gave her the ice-cream then he wiped her tears from her face.

"Feeling better now baby?" he asked her. She nodded with a huge grin on her face then ran back to the house. She probably went to show off to Zayden. 

My two babies.

"Well, what about me?" Hayden mumbled when he sat beside me.

I rolled my eyes, "My three babies."

"That's my girl," then his lips found mine. His scent wrapped around me. I could never get use to his touch. His arms found their way around my waist, and I followed his trend wrapping mine around his neck. 

"I'm really glad you forgave me," he murmured against my lips. I smiled and gave him a peck.

"Yeah, me too,"



    Two Years Before...

 Mystery Girl's POV

  "Yeah, give me a second, I hear my phone," I said running into the other room. I could hear Zara's fainted laughter as I exited. Tossing my blonde hair over my shoulder, I picked up my phone without even looking who is was.

"Hello?" I asked happiness leaking through my voice.

"I see you're all chocolates and candies now," a cold voice rang through the phone making me freeze. I thought I was done with this now, I thought it was truly over. 

"What do you want?" I asked him, my tone of voice instantly changing. 

"So I heard your pack killed my father," he starts, "you better tell them to watch their back."

"You have nothing to come at me with, so just stop making threats you know you won't keep."

"Oh, so you've earned a smart mouth," he said then chuckled evilly, "are you forgetting I have something of yours." Then in the background, I hear a muffled scream.

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