8. Terrifying Screams...

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Chapter 8- Terrifying Screams...


Hayden's POV


Beep. Beep.


Beep. Beep.

That's all that could be heard in the room; the machine that was attached to my mate. I just wanted to scream and shout at her for making me feel like this...like crap. I felt sadness and unhappiness knowing that she wasn't o.k., knowing that she was just lying there and not doing anything.

Completely broken.

The only movement in the room was her chest as it rose and sunk when she breathed in and out. I stayed still as I watched her, which I found myself doing a lot these days. Just about three days ago, she was the number one rogue that I hated. The only one who survive on my lands period. And believe me that was not looking good on my reputation. I mean, I was known for killing any wolf that dared to step foot on my territory yet this one girl changed all that in three f*cking days! Why I say that you ask... well it seems that rumor went out that I did not kill this little...female that stepped on my lands so the day after that, about two rouges were caught on the lands. We, well specifically Conner, were demanding why they were on our territory and they said they were just passing through to see if the rumors were true. How they got passed the security, I have no idea but I took care of that...and those rogues who even had the guts to even try there stupid plan.

Anyway, I went back to staring at her and I realized how incredibly beautiful she was. She had light blonde hair that would probably flow naturally on her shoulders when she walked; lightly tanned skin that fitted her perfectly. I just wished she would just open her eyes for me to see them once again. I swear, when I first saw them...those beautiful blue eyes, crystal clear...so terribly beautiful. My wolf wanted to see her smile. To laugh at something I said. To be able to hold her in my arms forever. To get married together. To have children. All of that...a future with her.

But I had a life planned out before she came along. My life was completely planned out and believe me, children and a wife was not a part of it. My future was with Natalya, a strong Alpha-Female. One who can take care of my pack with me. One that I could depend on. One that would always be there when I needed her...especially in bed. Sigh, I guess those plans are over.


One month later...

I practically stayed in this room for most of the one month. The only other place I went to was the restroom, and I meant it. My wolf was not going to let me leave the room and knowing that there was a slight possibility that she wouldn't wake up. He wouldn't allow it.

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