31. Time For Camping...Wait, Where's Jonah?

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 Chapter 31- Time For Camping... Wait, Where's Jonah?


Zara's POV

I rested my head on Hayden's shoulder as his hands stoked my sides. I groaned as I nested my head in Hayden's shoulder. He laughed and kissed my neck.

"Come on, Zara time to get up," he said for the fourth time this morning (or should I say night since the bright sun hasn't decided to show itself yet?)

"Hayden, leave me alone," I grumbled, "I want to sleep."

"And you have slept long enough. Come on, lazy bones, get up."

"Then if you're so eager to get me up then you get up for yourself," I said as I shut my eyes. Ok, here was the situation on our hands. The whole house was asleep and again I state, the sun isn't even up yet, and apparently those facts weren't good enough for him because Hayden still wanted me to be awake.

"Yes, babe I would like you awake so you can wake up the rest of the teens. We have a camping trip to look forward to," he said reading my mind. I growled at him.

I hate you...

"I love you too," he said then got up and went in the shower. I groaned and placed my head back on the pillow when Hayden shouted from the bathroom.

"I'm up, I'm up...jeez," I said. I got up and ran a comb though my hair then put on decent clothes on. Wouldn't want anyone to see me inappropriately, right? After I put on my black and white tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants, I was though the door. Ok, who to wake up first? Let's see, if I wake up James, then he'll definitely help me wake up the others.

I walked to James and Lilly's room only to see them cuddled up in the centre of the bed. I mentally aww'ed then went over to James and shook the life out of him.

"What the hell?" he asked groggily as his eyes slowly opened up.

"James, I need your help," I said to him. He groaned and hugged Lilly tighter.

"Go ask your beloved mate, I would like to sleep in peace here,"

"Come on, James please," I begged, "Hayden asked me to wake up everyone and I figured that you could do your style,"

"My style?" he said a grin slowly made its way across his face. I rolled my eyes at his eagerness and muttered a yeah.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's get things started,"

Minutes later...

"Aright, everybody up. Let's move it!" James shouted as he banged a frying pan with a metal spoon. Can I tell you how much that hurt my ears by the way? I knocked on every door shouting at them to wake up. I smiled when I heard groans and moans of protest. I made sure that I personally made a visit inside every room.

"Conner and Abigale, get your butts up this instant!' I shouted at the first pair I had made a visit to. They both groaned.

"Zara, it's four o'clock in the morning," Abi growled at me.

"Watch your tone, she's your Alpha Female now," a voice said behind me. I looked up to see Hayden leaning against the doorway.

"My apologizes, your highness," Abi said but by the look in her eyes I could see she was angry. I grinned innocently then looked at Conner.

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