41. You're What?!!! (Day 5)

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Chapter 41- You're What?!!! (Day 5)


Karen's POV


  We were all by the lake taking a dip. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and I was lying down on Gavin's chest.

"Hey bro, want to play some beach ball?" Alexander came over and asked.

"Yeah, sure," he said then slightly got up. He pecked me on the lips then winked at me, "be right back babe." I rolled my eyes at him and laid down again, allowing the sun to soak in my pours.

"Thought he would've never left you alone," Lizzie said as she sat down beside me watching Alexander.

"Uhh...Lizzie, not that I don't respect that you're my brother's mate and everything but can you not stare at him like he's a piece of meat while around me, thanks?" I asked shuddering and she laughed.

"Like you don't do it with Gavin," she retorted.

"Yeah, well he's not your brother, now is he?" I said with a sarcastic smile on my face. She shook her head smiling as well then got all serious.

"Ok, so talk the dirty deets,"

"Deets?" I asked her as I sat up.

"You know? Have you two...got it in since you guys got here?" she asked bluntly, "I know we have---" she was about to say but I cut her off.

"Why in the world are we gonna discuss this?" I asked her while rolling my eyes.

"Because I want to know. You've been completely locked up ninety percent of this trip," 

"I'm not gonna tell you about my sex life, Lizzie," I told her.

"Sex life? What sex life?" a voice from behind me asked. Hayden sat down beside me and looked at me curiously as he waited for an answer.

"What I do is none of your business Hayden," I told him.

"Of course it is, or are you forgetting that I'm older than you?" he retorted.

"By some minutes Hayden!" I protested as I rolled my eyes. Lizzie looked at me with a smirk on her face then looked at Hayden. They both haven't exactly been speaking to each other but....

"Where's Zara, Hayden?" she asked him. He looked at her then pointed over at Natalya. 

"Yo, Pierce. Wanna play some ball?" Gavin asked him and he sat behind me. I felt his lips kiss down my neck and I leaned back for his touch. His arm went around my waist and caressed my stomach.

"Still having stomach pains?" he whispered in my ear low enough for only me to hear.

"Not right now," I responded then moaned as he bit my ear slightly.

"Can you not do that while I'm here, it's kind of gross," Hayden complained. I rolled my eyes and I heard Gavin chuckle as he removed his arm from around my waist.

"Can't you leave, Hayden?" I asked him. His eyes landed on me as he smirked.

"Nope," he responded, popping the p. I sighed and leaned back on Gavin.

"Can't you tell him to leave?" I asked Gavin. He laughed at this then looked at Zara approaching us.

"Don't think I'll have to," he said to me. 

"Hey guys," Zara greeted then looked at Hayden, "can't you leave them alone?" she then asked him as she sat in his lap. He whispered something in her ear which made her roll her eyes.

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