19. Welcome to Heartbreak (Part 2)

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Don't hate me. I am really sorry for not being able to update a new chapter quicker but I have a lot of things to do plus my mom just left to go and work in Canada so there's been a lot of rush. 

Won't keep you any longer so enjoy....


Chapter 19 - Welcome to Heartbreak (Part 2)

Diego's POV

I grabbed my binoculars from the ground and watched as she cuddled with him. What does she see in him anyway? We were currently lying on the grass being as discreet as possible.

"What's the update on her position now?" I asked one of the men behind me.

"Well, she was spotted with the male just about an hour ago but now they're both in the room. Visuals cannot be seen," one man explained to me.

"Any new additions to their group?" I asked still looking through my binoculars.

"No, sir. We have not spotted any new recruits," the same man responded to me.

"Dismissed," I said and then I heard them turning around to leave. Why did she even leave us? Leave her own team? She should have been here with me. Not with that stupid asshole. When she left, my whole world fell apart. Normally, I would have been used to waking up to her beautiful face, but now it's just...odd. We did that for two years straight and then out of the blue she just decides to leave like that. She didn't even tell me about it; I had t find out from that ass of an Alpha. Apparently, he wanted her too, but for a different reason.

Two years ago, it would be just me and her, sitting on our terrace watching the sunset. Sometimes, we would walk on the beach while we were doing it too. Then there were days when we would make love on the beach. When we first moved there, we even joked about this ritual that said we bless the house by making love in every room. God, I miss those days. I miss the times when I heard her laugh at my jokes. Or times when she would dress up just for me. Even the times when we would argue about little things and then made up and ended up making love each and every night. I just---

"Diego, one of them is on the porch," someone said as they rushed up to me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I sighed and shook those thoughts completely from my head. Business first. Daydreaming later.

I placed the binoculars in front of my eyes and watched as the girl ran out the door smiling. My girl. She looked happier than I've ever seen her in the time I've known her. I saw a boy ran after her then when he caught her, he spun her around while she giggled. He whispered something in her ear and I saw her nod then they both went running into the woods.

"Keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't see any of us or our equipment. We're not out here for them," I said turning around to the man. He nodded and was about to walk away to inform a few of his men when I called him back.

"Make sure to tell the men you send that they should mask their scents so they won't be detected," I reminded him. He nodded and went his way. If that bastard that ran away with my girl ever tries to touch her, I will personally cut his hands off.

"Hey Diego, are you alright? Your fists are clenched so bad, they're turning white," one of the tech guys came up to me and asked. I raised my head to look at him.

"I'm fine, have any of you heard from the Alpha?" I asked. Most of them shook their heads but one answered me saying 'yes'. I turned to him for him to continue.

"He basically said that we should hurry up and get her. He's not really all that patient, you know," he said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're Philip, right?" I asked. He was the guy that was in charge before the Alpha gave me that role. He nodded and looked at me with confused eyes, though I could easily sense that he wasn't too fond of me.

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