7. Missing Pieces

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Chapter 7- Missing Pieces

Two days later...

Unknown POV

"Where did she run of to?" an angry voice bellowed in the room. The hunters before him tried not to flinch as he spoke to them.

"Are you all so completely worthless that you can't catch one simple girl!" he growled again. The hunter he was standing in front of made a mistake.

"Why the hell are you all so completely---" he was about to say but one among the hunters spoke up.

"B-B-But Alpha, we were trying but she went on the Triton lands and---" he tried to explain but the man growled in frustration and stepped down off his 'throne' to stand directly in front of the man who spoke.

 "Do we fear the Tritons, hunter?" he asked. The poor hunter looked down from the Alpha's gaze.

"N-N-N-No Alpha, sir...but we were mostly fearful and...umm...we didn't smell---" the hunter stuttered to explain himself.

"You didn't smell?" the Alpha asked skeptically.

"Yes, sir. At first we were on her trail...and...and then she just disappeared from us. We came to report it to you...or tried to, but men from Alpha Pierce delayed us. Most of us barely got through and---" he responded but the Alpha cut him off yet again.

"So, you hunters are weak?!" he questioned, "am I sending out weak men who do not obey their Alpha?"

"No Alpha, it's just that the Triton pack is the strongest pack in the world and we were quite intimidated by them. We are trying our best to capture her, sir," the hunter stated. The Alpha stayed silent as he walked down the line of Hunters in front of him.

"Strongest pack in the world, you say?" he said silently, "so you men are...intimidated by the Trition pack?" he asked and no one to answer him because it seemed like it was a rhetorical question. Then the Alpha walked back up the line and then stopped in front of another hunter.

"What is your name, hunter?" he asked casually. The hunter stood talk and proud, no hesitations.

"My name is Diego, Alpha," he said. The Alpha nodded as he seemed to be in thought.

"And, Diego...were you...'intimidated' by this strong pack?" the Alpha asked him putting air quotes over intimidated.

 "No sir, I believe we could have taken their men and came out victorious," he said. Again this man held no stutter as he answered this man. This obviously pleased the Alpha. He nodded and walked to another random hunter.

"Were you intimidated by the Triton pack?" he asked. The hunter held his head down.

"They were very...strong but---" he was about to say when the Alpha interrupted him.

"Did I ask how strong they were, hunter?" he asked.

"N-No sir," he answered and the Alpha raised his eyebrow and looked at him, expecting and answer for his earlier question. The hunter again looked to his feet.

"They were...yes, Alpha, they were very intimidating. But, as Diego said...maybe we could have taken them," he said. Again, the Alpha nodded.

"Diego, please step forward," the Alpha said, the power over-running of his Alpha command. Diego stepped forward without hesitation. That bothered me. Why was he so...up front? Why did he not seem hesitant about this Alpha?

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